This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEA curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in
Roundwood Working.
This small task is especially applicable to the making of a chess set. It is not required to use this method on the chess set however. By applying a mixture of oxidized iron via vinegar, you will create a chemical reaction to the tannins in the
wood. Different woods will create different finishes, with the strongest among them forming a dark black finish without the use of stains. It is a useful trick for those who are seeking natural means of coloring a
project aside from just stains.
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
Must create an ebonizing solution.
Select an object you have carved yourself.
Must indicate a type of wood used. It
should be a wood with medium to high tannin levels.
The target item must be one you have carved yourself.
Must show significant darkening of the wood surface.
To document and become certified for this BB provide photos or video (less than 2 minutes) showing the following:
- Show the wooden item you intend to ebonize
- Show the prepared solution
- Show the post-ebonized wooden item
- Explain the wood that was used