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Paul sits down Eliot, one of the 30 people at the 2021
Rocket Mass Heater Jamboree to discuss the past week of the 9-day event.
The format has changed somewhat in the last four years – back then you’d act as an apprentice to a given master and lean their methods, now they go off and do their thing and you’re free to follow along or switch over to another master and see how they do things. Eliot for one really likes this method as you get to get a variety of viewpoints rather than just one, even though only 4 of the planned 10 instructors arrived thanks in no small part to covid. And with two (and a bit) people filming everything, there’s a good chance this event will get turned into a movie!
Rodney, one of the instructors, has been leading a group to build a rocket cooktop in the red shed part of the red cabin as part of the process of turning it into an outdoor kitchen for seppers, or in support of the main kitchen during events, or for custom cooking, or whatever (apparently there’s demand for an omelette bar..?). It got fired up for the first time the day before recording and it went perfectly. So perfectly, that everyone decided to start propositioning further improvements. Paul’s suggestion is what he calls a “Lorena”, although Mudd and others say that that is something different, but what he means is a cooktop with a sealable hole in it that gets sealed when you put a canning pot in it to get heat directly from the rising air and flames for even more efficiency. Considering how cleanly the stove burned, it might be possible to have the whole setup in an indoor kitchen, but that might still be a bad idea until there’s a really good stovetop/canning pot gasket around.
Relevant Threads
Rocket Mass Heater forum
Rocket Stoves forum
Rocket cooktop with lorena option in outdoor kitchen
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Neath
Bill Crim
Chris Sugg
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Dominic Crolius
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Pasquale DeAngelis
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Greg Martin
Sean Benedict
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Nick DePuy
Nathan Hale
Opalyn Brenger
Polly Jayne Smyth
Todd Gerardot
Katie Young
Ivar Vasara
Brent Lawson
Weston prestage
Candice Crawford
Chris Holtslag
Song Zheng