Best of Communities is a 15-volume set of the best articles from Communities magazine over a 20 year period. Communities magazine is the leading publication for all topics related to intentional community. From the broad-stroked overviews to the intimate details, this quarterly publication covers it all. With so much content to explore, weʼve distilled it into a single compilation!
Spanning over 20 years, the 15-volume set is filled with true stories and practical guidance on all topics related to intentional community. You will enjoy this treasure trove of wisdom.
You will recognize authors leading the intentional community movement, representing cutting-edge thinking and how-to explorations of the social, ecological, and economic aspects of sustainable living.
The Best of Communities Magazine Complete Set includes the following 15 volumes:
I. Intentional Community Overview, and Starting a Community
II. Seeking and Visiting a Community
III. Leadership, Power, and Membership
IV. Good Meetings
V. Consensus
VI. Agreements, Conflict, and Communication
VII. Relationships, Intimacy, Health, and Well-Being
VIII. Children in Community
IX. Community for Elders
X. Sustainable Food, Energy, and Transportation
XI. Green Building, Ecovillage Design, and Land Preservation
XII. Cohousing
XIII. Cooperative Economics and Creating Community Where You Are
XIV. Challenges and Lessons of Community
XV. The Peripatetic Communitarian: The Best of Geoph Kozeny
Format: 15 x PDFs
Each one 60-100 pages
Best of Communities Magazine Compilation – The Complete Set
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