Hi permies,
I’m so excited to share excerpts of this article with you that a friend of mine wrote about traditional Amazonian peoples and their horticultural systems. In his own words...
Loxley wrote:I have been curious about Amazonian indigenous people’s lifestyles & the size of the pre-Western contact Amazonian population for several years now after I caught a glimpse of recent findings on the topic when I read Charles C. Mann’s book 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. Since then, in order to better understand the primary source material myself, I had been searching for good, lengthy excerpts of the first European account of the Amazon River Basin written by Spanish explorers in 1542. I looked all over for an English translation of the book Account of the recent discovery of the famous Grand river which was discovered by great good fortune by Captain Francisco de Orellana, written by Gaspar de Carvajal, but alas I couldn’t fine one. However, I did find several digitally scanned copies of the book in old Spanish that had been uploaded online. Driven by curiosity & a desire to help tell the story to a wider audience, I finally bit the bullet & read the whole thing in Old Spanish.
I wrote this article based largely on what these Spaniards saw nearly five hundred years ago. It was quite the slog to brush off my rusty Spanish & I had to use several dictionaries to get through the Account, but alas, I did it! Not only that, I also brushed off my rusty research skills I gained from getting a history degree some years ago. It was through obtaining that degree that I learned how to find high-quality, trustworthy sources & properly cite them. As a result, you will find no less than sixty-six endnotes accompanying this article should you wish to pursue further knowledge on any of the subjects brought up in the article. I read so many articles & watched several video presentations & documentaries on this subject in order to complete this article in addition to reading Gaspar de Carvajal’s 1542 book. And yet, there is still plenty more out there to read on this topic & in fact I could easily write an entire book on my hypothesis with what I had to leave out!
The article, first published by Permaculture Design Magazine Emergent Design issue #115 February/Spring 2020, gives an astonishing depiction of pre-Western contact Amazonian civilization which more & more scientists are finding evidence to support. The implications – particularly in the fields of agriculture & horticulture – are inspiring. I hope you enjoy reading it! And please let me know what you think.
The following are excerpts of the article:
Forests or Deserts: a Choice
by Loxley Clovis
The scout’s legs were churning at full speed, feet pounding the well-worn, wide road into town from the river banks, adrenaline racing down his spine. It was his duty to let his superior know immediately of any consequential, unplanned activity occurring on the river. As he approached town, armed guards nodded at him and parted to make way as he sprinted towards commander Arripuna’s headquarters. Arripuna, the leader of an enormous, populous, forested area, was just finishing his final town meeting of the day when he saw his scout approaching, so he beckoned him forward to speak. The scout, despite severe shortness of breath from the miles-long run, began to recount what he had just seen rowing down the mighty river: a watercraft unlike any other with a wide hull and outfitted with tree-sized masts and several rowing oars on each side. The men aboard this unusual vessel wore reflective armor that glared in the light of the sun and was as inflexible as turtle shell. Arripuna furled his eyebrows skeptically at some of the more outrageous details as his scout still gasped for breath. The strangers were making their way downstream as fast as the rapid currents and their oars could take them, the scout added. As the sun set and the evening wore on, Arripuna's disbelief of his initial scout’s report began to fade as more accounts began to trickle down from upstream -from the great towns of the Omagua- corroborating similar events as well as physical encounters with the oddly dressed newcomers.
Brother Gaspar
de Carvajal stood beside Captain Francisco de Orellana in a marble courtyard, lending the moral authority of the Church as they both defended themselves against charges of rebellion, desertion, and treason brought by the Royal and Supreme Council of the Indies and Charles I, the King of Spain.(i) King Charles’ mood swung from vengeance to wonder as he listened to the Spanish explorers who had recently returned from the rich lands across the ocean West of Portugal. They told stories of vast cities in the tropical jungle of the South American continent along a river so large that at times one could not even see the other bank(ii), an unbelievable abundance of food: birds, fish, turtles, corn bread, yuca, too many kinds of fruit to list(iii), artistic enameled pottery of very vivid colors and beautiful drawings(iv), and an entire town lead by warrior
women.(v) While some court members chuckled at the mention of women warrior leaders, the court scholar duly noted this fact. Europeans would later liken these warrior women to the so-called Amazon warrior women of the ancient Grecian mythological stories and dub the river that Orellana and his men traversed
Amazonas. The Council of the Indies perused Brother Gaspar de Carvajal's hand written book on the journey,
Account of the Recent Discovery of the Famous Grand River which was Discovered by Great Good Fortune by Captain Francisco de Orellana, as he spoke. Carvajal had presented it to the Council at trial as evidence that he and his fellow travelers were still loyal to the crown. His account included exhaustively detailed notes concerning the dense population of people they encountered along the banks of what came to be known throughout the world as the Amazon River. At one point on the river, the men encountered over five hundred miles of continuous population, including "very large cities".(vi) Ultimately, the king and Council were so convinced by the sincerity of Carvajal and Orellana, as well as the evidence they presented, that they named Orellana governor of the Amazon region and sent him back to the river with two new boats and hundreds of men.(vii)
…(excerpt, get the full article here in the permies Digital Market | Forests or Deserts: a Choice)...
But what did the first European in the region see? Here is Brother Gaspar de Carvajal's 1542 first-hand account of Amazonian pottery:
Gaspar de Carvajal wrote:In this town were houses of pleasing interiors with much stoneware of diverse forms. There were enormous pitchers and vases, and many other smaller containers, plates, silverware, and candlesticks. This stoneware is of the best quality that has ever been seen in the world, and even that of Malaga does not equal it. It is all enameled with glass, of all colors and the brightest hues. Some are drawn to frighten, but on others, the drawings and paintings are delicate depictions of nature. They craft and they draw everything like the Romans.(viii)
Large funerary vessel. Marajo island, Brazil, Joanes style, Marajoara phase | Marie-Lan Nguyen | CC BY 2.5 | WikiMedia.org
For many years, soil scientists assumed that a winter season would be necessary to create such deep, rich soils. Their reasoning went as follows: the leaves and twigs from the
trees in temperate regions would fall to the ground during the Autumn and rot during the Winter and turn into soil. In contrast, when organic matter falls from the trees in the tropics, the fungi on the forest floor almost immediately consume the material and make the nutrients available to the next living beings with no season of tree dormancy. According to this reasoning, deep, rich soils, therefore, do not develop in the tropics. All the biology essentially stays above ground. Thus, it has been widely believed for centuries that agriculture -which requires soil- is not possible in the tropics. And therefore, in the absence of food-surplus-generating agriculture, large populations cannot be reached nor sustained in the tropics. But new studies are unraveling this narrative. From a vast body of research that has recently emerged studying the origins of
terra preta(ix), we now know that the
people of the Amazon actually
created this dark, fertile soil, and some -like the Kuikuro people- are still creating it to this day.(x) The process of creating it goes roughly like this; beginning nearly five thousand years ago(xi), people started throwing their food scraps, green
yard waste, and broken pottery all together into large piles. Then, they would eventually char these piles using a charcoal creation technique. These charred earths became what is today considered one of the best possible soil amendments for growing large, healthy plants.(xii) Nowadays, soil scientists understand that microscopic open pockets are created in the charred plant matter, creating a habitat for a vast array of living soil microorganisms such as bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, protozoa and nematodes.(xiii) These microorganisms are so necessary for the
sustainability of healthy, fertile organic soil, that they in fact define the difference between "soil" and "dirt". Dirt being simply sand, silt, and clay; essentially minuscule, sterile pebbles. While soil, on the other hand, includes organic matter, minerals, and an entire ecosystem in miniature: a complex, living food web of tiny critters that naturally work together in symbiosis to make nutrients available to plants. Scientists have started mapping where Brother Gaspar de Carvajal reported seeing Amazonian settlements in 1542 and searching for Amazonian dark earths in these locations. As it turns out, wherever Carvajal mentioned there being settlements, anthropologists and soil scientists have in fact found
terra preta there.(xiv) Based on the currently discovered Amazonian dark earth sites, it is now estimated that an area twice the size of Britain was settled by Amazonian people before the arrival of Europeans to the region.(xv)
…(excerpt, get the full article here in the permies Digital Market | Forests or Deserts: a Choice)...
Soil profile of Anthrosol (Terra Preta) | Rockwurm | CC BY-SA 3.0 | WikiMedia.org
We must take into account the oral histories of surviving Amazonian peoples, study
art history, soil science, geography, history, anthropology, and the ethnobotany of traditional agroforestry. One possible puzzle piece is that the sedentary Amazonian people may have been sophisticated forest gardeners.(xvi) They appear to have been domesticating various plant species by intentionally selecting them for their best traits.(xvii) Domesticated Amazonian plants include over eighty-five woody species such as brazil nut, ice-cream-bean, Amazonian grape, all manner of fruit-bearing palms such as açaí, as well as non-food agroforestry crops like the rubber tree and tropical cotton for clothing. Individual species could even serve for multiple uses as is the case with the maripa palm (
Attalea maripa) which -in addition to having edible fruits- was used in the construction of darts for blowguns, sleeping mats, torches,
kindling, as well as for use as thatching.(xviii) It has also been uncovered that oil from certain palm tree seeds and edible larvae cultivated in palm trunks are sources of protein for people.(xix) With such an emphasis on domesticating an impressive array of woody species, the people of the Amazon were likely cultivating
vertically-stacked woody gardens around their homesteads. That is, they grew vertical polycultures with understory shrub plants -such as cassava- growing in the shade of overstory fruit trees, while spiritual plants -like the ayahuasca vine (
Banisteriopsis caapi)- climbed up the tree trunks. This style of vertically-stacked woody
gardening likely created a habitat for all sorts of animals to nest in the garden. Such an animal habitat in their woody gardens likely served as an additional source of protein, natural fertilizer, and possibly even companionship. In the same hemisphere, the benefits of the ancient
polyculture horticultural technique of growing corn, beans, and squash together in the same spacial
footprint - developed in North America and known as the Three Sisters - are today quite well understood.(xx) The three distinct species of plants, when planted together, mutually help one another out. While growing together, they form a beneficial, symbiotic companion planting. So it
should therefore not come as much of a surprise to those who already know about Three Sisters that there are likely South American counterparts to this polyculture
gardening practice.
Domesticated tree species of the Amazon basin, from the slide show Forests or Deserts: a Choice.
Designing gardens of productive
perennial plants stacked in a vertical fashion is today practiced around the world as a category of advanced gardening known as
David Holmgren, the co-originator of the term, defines
permaculture as "consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature to yield an abundance of food, fiber, and
shelter for the provision of
local needs"(xxi). After delving deeper into traditional gardening techniques of various peoples around the world, permaculturist
Toby Hemenway described some types of traditional gardeners as "horticulturalists"(xxii) an additional category of how humans relate to their environment that he proposed to be added to the two traditional categories of “hunter-gatherers” or “agriculturalists”. According to Hemenway, these people may do
some hunting and
some gathering, and they may also practice
some domestication -as the Amazonians appear to have also been growing domesticated corn according to Carvajal(xxiii)- but mainly, horitculturalists
tend semi-wild plants and animals. They were not -and are not- so much hunter-gatherers, nor farmers as they were -and are- sophisticated
gardeners. Carefully-curated, vertically-stacked, fauna-rich forest gardens might have been cultivated to grow nearly all of the food, fuel, timber, fiber, medicine, and spiritually significant plants together in the same relative footprint as a diverse polyculture
garden. Such intentional, vertical stacking creates an enormous abundance of useful plant matter, possibly bountiful
enough to sustain a large population. This
horticultural system would likely have been perceived as simply wild jungle to Mediterranean Europeans and not the productive garden that it was, as Mediterranean agriculturalists were used to seeing their domesticated plants grown in vast monoculture crop
farms, amber waves of grain from horizon-to-horizon. The cities that Francisco de Orellana and his men saw along the Amazon River in 1542 were likely what Heckenberger refers to as Amazonian "garden cities," cities which also included urban planning, earthworks, roads, and fishponds.(xxiv) Had Orellana stumbled upon a civilization of
…(excerpt, get the full article here in the permies Digital Market | Forests or Deserts: a Choice)...
Forest garden diagram | Quercusrobur (Graham Burnett) | CC BY-SA 3.0 | WikiMedia.org
As the Amazonian people fled, their domesticated and semi-domesticated forest garden plots, full of plants which have had their evolution guided by the purposeful, human selection of certain traits, may have been spread by means of reconstruction by these horticultural refugees when they moved to other areas, as well as by mammals and birds that continue spreading the seeds of their forest garden plants to this very day. As the people of the Amazon Basin had focused on perennial plant propagation, such as the aforementioned eighty-five long-living, woody species, and because their curated forest plots were vertically stacked, mimicking the patterns of a natural forest, these plots harbored the potentiality of surviving without the help of humans far into the future. Some of the smaller forest garden plots may have been reclaimed by the untended, wild plants of the rainforest. Perhaps both scenarios, the spread of domesticated species into some areas and the reclamation of wild species into others, played out to varying degrees depending on the environmental factors of the area and the sizes of the original garden plots. Indeed, many of the once-tended Amazonian forest gardens are today feral, meaning they exist in the wild, yet they descended from domestication. One recent study "found that human influence is exclusively responsible for about half of the explained variation of the abundance, relative abundance, richness, and relative richness of domesticated species in the southwestern and eastern regions" of the Amazon.(xxv) As Clark L. Erickson puts it, "instead of viewing Amazonia as a pristine form of nature, it is therefore more accurate to conceive of it in the same way that we would conceive of a garden."(xxvi) Consequently, large swathes of what we today refer to as the Amazon Rainforest may in fact be
feral, human-created forest gardens.(xxvii)
If you are a high school, college, university, or permaculture design course (PDC) teacher or student, please consider buying the “Forests or Deserts: a Choice” slide show presentation and notes here to learn and teach others more about this topic.
Permaculture Design Magazine by subscribing & buying the back issue Emergent Design #115 February/Spring 2020.
Special thanks to the editor Rebecca Rhapsody of The Story Connective & the team at
Permaculture Design Magazine for supporting & publishing this work. Thank you very much Loxley Clovis for letting me share your article & getting this important story out.
Citations (partial list,
complete citations bibliography here):
i. Arre caballo! "Francisco de Orellana".
ii. Carvajal, Gaspar de. (1542).
Relación del nuevo descubrimiento del famoso río Grande que descubrió por muy gran ventura el capitán Francisco de Orellana ("
Account of the recent discovery of the famous Grand river which was discovered by great good fortune by Captain Francisco de Orellana"). pp.16, 18, 20-24, 33-34, 37, 39.
iii. Carvajal, Gaspar de. (1542).
Relación. pp. 6, 9-10, 17, 22, 24.
iv. Carvajal, Gaspar de. (1542).
Relación. p. 23.
v. Carvajal, Gaspar de. (1542).
Relación. pp. 31-32, 35-37.
vi. Carvajal, Gaspar de. (1542).
Relación. pp. 33-34.
vii. Arre caballo! "Francisco de Orellana".
viii. Bates, Albert, "Orellana's Robots".
ix. Lehmann, Johannes. (2019). "Terra Preta de Indio: Terra Preta – References". Cornell University, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
See also: "Terra preta: References and External links."
x. "Unnatural Histories – Amazon". BBC.
xi. Levis, C. et.al. (3 March 2017). "Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition." Science.
xii. Solomon, Dawit et. al. (25 February 2017). "Molecular signature and sources of biochemical recalcitrance of organic C in Amazonian Dark Earths". Elsevier.
xiii. Ingham, E. R.. (1999).
The Soil Biology Primer. NRCS Soil Quality Institute, USDA.
xiv. "The Secret of El Dorado". BBC Horizon.
xv. Ibid.
xvi. As Erickson put it, "the romantic imagery of Amazonia as a natural wilderness belies a very different reality. Namely that of a
land domesticated by humans. In Amazonia
native peoples created a domestic landscape resulting from both intentional & unintentional actions. They managed the environment through a variety of techniques that included transplanting, culling, & controlled burning. Instead of viewing Amazonia as a pristine form of nature, it is therefore more accurate to conceive of it in the same way that we would conceive of a garden." Erickson, Clark L., (12 March 2015).
Pre-Columbian Monumental Landscapes in the Bolivian Amazon.
xvii. Levis, C. et.al. (3 March 2017). "Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition." Science.
xviii. Henderson, Andrew; Gloria Galeano; Rodrigo Bernal (1995).
Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-08537-4. Macía, Manuel J. (2004). "Multiplicity in palm uses by the Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador".
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 144 (2): 149–59. Posey, Darrell Addison (1985). "Indigenous management of tropical forest ecosystems: the case of the Kayapó indians of the Brazilian Amazon".
Agroforestry Systems. 3 (2): 139–58.
xix. Erickson, Clark L. (May 2008).
Culture amidst the Pristine: The Anthropogenic Forests of the Bolivian Amazon.
xx. Mt. Pleasant, Jane (2006). "38". In John E. Staller; Robert H. Tykot; Bruce F. Benz (eds.).
The science behind the Three Sisters mound system: An agronomic assessment of an indigenous agricultural system in the northeast. Histories of Maize: Multidisciplinary approaches to the prehistory, linguistics, biogeography, domestication, and evolution of maize. Amsterdam: Academic Press. pp. 529–537.
xxi. Holmgren, David. (2002).
Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. Holmgren Design.
xxii. Hemenway, Toby. (4 January 2013). "Redesigning Civilization with Permaculture".
xxiii. Carvajal, Gaspar de. (1542).
Relación. p. 22.
xxiv. Heckenberger borrows the term "garden city" from Ebenezer Howard. Heckenberger, Michael. (29 August 2018).
Amazon Seminar – Indigenous knowledge and settlement patterns.
xxv. Levis, C. et.al. (3 March 2017). "Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition." Science.
xxvi. Erickson, Clark L., (12 March 2015).
Pre-Columbian Monumental Landscapes in the Bolivian Amazon.
xxvii. Balée, William. (2013).
Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of People and their Landscapes. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.