Durable Trades: Family-Centered Economies That Have Stood the Test of Time by Rory Groves, 2020: 293pp.
What if a career-planning resource included info on traditional paths of livelihood…?
Anyone who suspects that more than a hundred years ago the economy was very different because of
how people earned money will find lots of food for thought in this book. But although today's economy is extremely different from previous centuries, many of the things people used to do for work can still be done, because they are "durable" throughout the ages.
The book presents an overview of 61 selected occupations rated on historical stability, resiliency, family-centeredness, income, and ease of entry.
Trades covered include:
• Agricultural Trades: Farmer, Farrier, Shepherd, etc.
• Human-Care Trades: Midwives, Barbers, Counselors, etc.
• Arts and Handicrafts: Blacksmith, Silversmith, Mason, etc.
• Other Historical Trades: Courier, Cartographer, Tax Collector, etc.
A research-backed book, lots of data is presented in the text: many diagrams, charts, and plenty of footnotes, especially in the first chapters on economic history. There are also perspectives from living practitioners of these durable trades in the trades profiles section of the book.
Where to get it?
From the author
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