Welcome to Holderread Waterfowl Farm and Preservation Center, located in the picturesque foothills of the Pacific Coast mountains in Oregon. We have enjoyed raising and studying domestic geese and ducks continuously since 1961. We specialize in purebred waterfowl that possess a unique blend of superb production and exhibition qualities. Birds bred by us are exceptional layers, fast growing and have won top honors at the largest poultry shows in North America and Europe, including Supreme Show Champions at the American Poultry Association's annual National Shows. Our breeding program encompasses more than 20 heritage goose varieties and 40 heritage duck varieties, including some of the world's rarest and most unique breeds.
Only robust ducklings, goslings, and mature birds are shipped and each order is prepared with great care. Our duck and goose hatchery produces day-olds from early April until mid June. During the past four and a half decades, we've supplied purebred ducks and purebred geese to satisfied customers throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico (orders to Canadian customers are shipped to the stateside town of choice).
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