For ducks and geese,
Holderread Waterfowl Farm and Preservation Center is really good. The owner, Dave Holderread, is the author of
Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks. For others who may be interested, I don't think they carry Muscovy. They used to, but stopped because the hatching cycle for muscovies was different (and therefore a hassle) than the ducks and geese. I asked this some years back, and was told that muscovies are wonderful animals (they love their birds!), but weren't convenient
enough to continue selling.
Another option that is probably quite good is
Sandhill Preservation Center. I haven't ordered birds from them, but I've ordered seeds and sweet potato slips and all those were great.
I believe both those companies only
sell straight runs. Meaning you can't get just girls or just boys, or choose the number of each sex. Nature and the bird scooper pick, randomly. The big farms that do sell sexed birds - what they don't explain is that the males get disposed of. Here is a quote from the FAQ page of the Sandhill Preservation Center:
We do not sell sexed chicks because we believe that to promote genetic conservation we want to encourage others to adopt a breed (if possible) and that requires both genders. It is also not fair to sex out extra females and leave another person with more males or be forced to "dispose of" the unwanted males. Our goal is that YOU would start to raise one of these wonderful breeds.
That's one of the hidden things I never thought about in the past when I ordered female chicks from a bigger operation. I didn't realize that everyday tons of males chicks got thrown in a chipper, or whatever method was used to "dispose". I'm not trying to start an ethical discussion here. I just like being an informed buyer, so I can make choices that match my tastes.
I know extra males are a huge problem (ended up with way too many male ducks one time...ugh), and I've thought long about what we will do in the future when we order more birds. I think one advantage of heritage breeds is that it's easier to find homes for males that are "rare". So aside from eating them, giving them away or possibly selling them is an option. A lot of people are interested in expanding the genetics of their flock, some kids still do 4-H, and also some people like pet poultry nowadays!
Back to sourcing...Of
local people may have what you are looking for, too. Craigslist is a great spot to look. But you'll often find mixed breeds. We last had runner/Khaki mixes from a local. They were wonderful foragers and egg layers. I'm a huge fan of runners, every color. :-) They are like the rainbow of ducks.