I started up my worm bin about 3 weeks ago. It's a 12-gallon plastic tub with about a pound of red wigglers. They seem to have settled in nicely.
I've read in a bunch of places that one shouldn't
feed worms potatoes, or maybe it's just potato peels. Or potatoes AND tomataoes...and other sources say those things are just peachy. There is a ton of conflicting information out there, which is complicated by the fact that the people giving the advice rarely specify what size or type of system they've found success (or failure) with.
I have a pound of small white potatoes that has, unfortunately, seen better days. Can I feed them to the worms? (Or
course I'd chop them up, mix them with other materials, and not put them all in at once.)
And if potatoes are okay, where did this idea that they're eeeevil come from? I saw some mentions of the solanine compound found in some nightshades, but I haven't seen any warnings about eggplants.