check out "sheet mulching" or "sheet mulching cardboard" on youtube
depending on how much soil you put on top you might not need to punch any holes. The cardboard will decompose by the time the roots get there and the roots will punch through whatever is left.
even if a little grass makes it through its easy to hand weed.
I did beds two ways, some I put some much compost on top of the grass I didnt even need cardboard, the others I started the first year as
straw bale beds and the second year added compost to them and the third year completely covered them with compost and they are just raised beds now.
You can also use lots of newspaper and the roots will grow through easier.
I have a couple hundred square feet of gardens that were all grass originally. I only dug one small area the first year before I learned it wasn't required.
All those grass roots are good for the soil, especially as they are decomposing. As far as mycorrhizae leaving existing root structures for them to take the path of is better not worse.