1. my projects
Idle dreamer
Bloom where you are planted.
1. my projects
Idle dreamer
1. my projects
1. my projects
1. my projects
1. my projects
Idle dreamer
Bloom where you are planted.
1. my projects
Bloom where you are planted.
It can be done!
1. my projects
It can be done!
1. my projects
Bloom where you are planted.
Personal projects occasionally added at http://www.sasez.com - Photos & Books at http://www.electronicperceptions.com
It can be done!
Personal projects occasionally added at http://www.sasez.com - Photos & Books at http://www.electronicperceptions.com
Kathy Burns-Millyard wrote:How do you grow plants in a lined pond? We have a ground water catch that uses a big billboard, but I just scoop water out with a bucket to water the plants near by. Last year it had a bunch of tad poles and the local wild life used it as a watering hole until it went dry. I never knew I could turn it into a pond with water plants and such.
It can be done!
Max Kennedy wrote:Purple loose strife is classed as a highly invasive plant that will take over nearby marshes crowding out natural species. I spend some of my summer every year wading in marshes and tearing this monster out. Please rid yourself of this for the sake of surrounding waterways.
It can be done!
1. my projects
Bloom where you are planted.
It can be done!
1. my projects
1. my projects
1. my projects
Please check out my blog: http://onceuponeayarden.blogspot.com/
1. my projects
Ever since I found this suit I've felt strange new needs. And a tiny ad:
permaculture and gardener gifts (stocking stuffers?)