QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:Wow, Alex, I'm impressed! Did you grow the luffah and the creeper vine?
Alex Ojeda wrote:Yeah, that's how I see it, but when you want to capture someone's attention about turning something that most people think of as "unwanted" and invasive into something very useful, you call them "weeds" in the title
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:Reviving this thread because it's awesome! Have you made a similar Christmas tree in the years since this post, Alex?
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
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