Martin Doering : I for one will be following up on this, or at least watching this space waiting for your further posts/threads ! I have two quick Suggestions one you post something
in the Alternative Energy Forum/ Threads, that way you will reach more like minded fellow members! Two, for your fellow members who would like to follow your progress can
you post a listing of Peltier/T.E.G. 101 resources so we can 'catch-up ! Thank you, Please come back and Post often ! For the Good of The craft !
It appears that I was misinformed/wrong about the necessary temperature difference between hot and cold side the deference will be much closer to 160*F, but if we were running
a simple gasifying, charcoal producing, system we could have two heat streams (that with gas storage do not have to be simultaneous) Cooking ,gas
incandescent light And the
potential for two low watt electrical heat streams.
With the need to provide the necessary Temperature spread a Rocket 'tuned' to produce barrel top temps close to 660*F could in theory produce several collection areas, and any
use of water for cooling could be run through a 'Distillation tube' under safe conditions i.e. vented to the open air, and produce potable,
hot water as a by product, this operation
being done at a separate location.
Peter Peterson has suggested recycling much of the 'Wasted Heat Energy' by using it to preheat the incoming 'make-up' air for our
Rocket Mass Heater RMH and the beauty of that is
almost of that heat will ether be re-used in our Peltier low watt electrical generation, or passing Horizontally through our Cob be stored as heat to warm our backsides !
The potential benefits then include, prompt and stored heat, low watt electrical D.C. Generated Electricity which can be stored in batteries, the possibility of a secondary heat stream
wood gas generation for cooking and additional
incandescent lighting, and the safe production of hot or at the least Tempered water, and a proven method of recycling most of
our largest by product heat energy !
Give me a cave and I can survive ! Give me a cave and heat and I will be happy!! Give me a cave (or a Yurt) and heat and hot water and my wife will be happy ! -and I can get
electricity as a byproduct?! Yikes, to many Win,Win,Wins to count ! For the Craft ! BigAL !
Late Note, we are all part of the 'pClould' , one long chain, but I wanted to point out how Alan Mikoleit found the video of a Peltier being used on an RMH in You-Tube land and Posted
it hereat Permies and we are all growing there by THanks ! Big AL !