Planting a Refuge for Wildlife by the Wildlife Foundation of Florida is a great start, but member EXPERIENCES might get me further. My web page will be for neighborhood bartering of
permaculture plants, but so far it is a running detailed inventory of all my property's identified plants. I need to create a big wish list.
Please respond and on my completed site I will link directly to this
thread. I will also be linking and posting to sites like
wood chips, pine needles, and
coffee bar used grounds later, my newish urban
permaculture half acre currently features edibles like opuntia, malanga (Xanthosoma sagittifolium), mayhaw, pawpaw, banana, high bush blueberry, elderberry, saw palmetto, bamboo shoots, creeping cucumber. I am trying to replace all the worst wildlife unfriendly plants with habitat ones, at a snail's pace to give wildlife time to adjust. I have 2
city sanctioned rain gardens, a roof garden for succulents, and some problematic sloped deep shade.
But Hurricane Hermine just gifted me so much future mulch!
Thanks for your attention.