To lead a tranquil life, mind your own business and work with your hands.
Amanda Launchbury-Rainey wrote:I, unfortunately, lost my crop of delicatas to frost and neglect on my part (BAD MANDY) , my saved potatoes for planting to mice (BAD MICE) but have just pulled the last of my purple carrots from the tubs in which they were planted and the last of the leeks from my raised bed and they are fine! GO ME!! I was given some eco grocery bags for buying vegetables without using plastic and thought they might be useful for storing veg in then hanging them from a beam to deter rodents?
Wish I had a cellar!
Myrth Gardener wrote:A root cellar is on my big list. I had one years ago in the corner of an unheard basement. I miss having one so much! I hear you about not wanting to use plastic. We’ve been trying to avoid it wherever possible. But there are things which it does so well. If you can sterilize and reuse it, it may be worth doing, since it has extended storage life so much. Thanks for sharing!
To lead a tranquil life, mind your own business and work with your hands.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Bryan C Aldeghi wrote:Jess,
I love the concept of a monthly root cellar report. Its an ongoing best practices evaluation of modern root cellaring. Hopefully others will also contribute an ongoing report. Will be totally neat to see what comes of it all.
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