Here in TN it's warmer then normal for this time of year. Many long time residents are having problems dealing with it. Being a displaced Texan, well, it's just doesn't feel all that hot to me. Not sure we have even topped 100 F. In my opinion it's warm but not unbearably hot. I use a fan at home but not an air conditioner. An air conditioner would feel good sometimes but is not necessary. Most of the time enjoying an icy cold drink while sitting in the shade with a little breeze is very refreshing. Your mileage may vary.
The "official" planting season here normally ends about mid June. I saw the heat wave coming & finished the last bit of planting a little early. With lots of mulch. Trees on the western border of garden provide nice afternoon shade during the hottest part of the day. Those are the 2 things that helped my TX gardens survive summers. Plants established before it reached 100 degrees daily & some shade from the west. Some plants just can't survive 100's for long. Others will slow down but continue to produce. I tend to plant things early & late in the season as well as some things that are a little outside of their recommended zones. Sometimes it pays off if the weather gets quirky.
Here's a few things I instinctively do to stay comfortable in summer.
1. Drink lots of water. A general guideline is if your
pee is yellow you're not drinking enough water.
2. Stay in the shade as much as possible. I'll walk far out of the way if it means staying in the shade rather than being exposed to direct sun.
3. Wear a big floppy hat that shades the neck. A thin light colored loose fitting long sleeve shirt can help too.
4. Keep a wet towel handy & use it frequently to wipe down the scalp & skin. Roughly 75% - 85% of cooling is through the scalp.
5. Schedule strenuous outdoor activities for early morning & late afternoon.
6. Do things like grocery shopping & errands during hottest part of the day to take advantage of car & store air conditioning.
7. Find shade to park in if possible, even if it means a much longer walk. Just 5 minutes parked in the sun & a car becomes a
solar oven. Seriously, it cooks food very well & if you dehydrate some garlic on the back window ledge a car smells delicious for a few days.
8. Move slowly.
9. Consume extra salt.
10. Start work at dawn. Siesta during mid day. Work more in the late afternoon/early evening.
Alcohol will make it worse. So will being overweight. (not pointing any fingers, it's just a general observation)
I could send some pix but everything looks normal so far. Nothing is struggling yet ......... Lots of mulch. Western shade.