We've had chickens for longer than I can remember.
Without a doubt the breeds have different levels of intelligence, just like dogs.
The current seven were purchased as day-olds, so the only ones they've know are themselves and me.
Now they're a year old, and laying eggs like champions, the IQ is quite obvious - 3 x Australorp, 2 x Light Sussex, 2 x Wyandotte.
The Australorps are by far the most intelligent, friendly and easy to handle. Followed by the Wyandottes who are a bit flighty. The White Sussex are without a doubt the dumbest creatures I've had - though they are eating and laying machines, loveable, but oh so dumb! When all the others run along a fence line to access a gate, these are the ones that run a different way and get themselves lost - even though they were following the others!!
We had Leghorns decades ago - they were quite smart, similar to Wyandottes.
Regardless, I taught them all to follow orders - get off or away from vegetable gardens, go inside their pen (eventually!), etc. It's VERY important to treat them with kindness and patience, they will respond in kind by laying lots of eggs and making it easy to catch them - health checks, have a friendly chat.
It's a shame many people are so dismissive and often neglect them: exposing to the elements, suspect feeding regimes, 'forgetting' to keep them safe from predation, etc.
There's good reasons why, in
Permaculture Principles, the humble chook is at the top of the pyramid and a major driver.