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Hanley Kale-Grinder wrote:
I've worked with many organic farmers who till the same land year after year, adding outside sources of fertilizer, who consistently get nice yields.
Hanley Kale-Grinder wrote:
All of this HAS gotten me thinking though...thanks again!
Your idea (crudely simplified) as I understand it: X suburban landowners turn over X of their land for CSA.
Will the landowners be involved in the work? I assume there's some sort of produce-for-land type deal.
Will you rotate around the entire series of properties? I have a feeling you've mentioned rotation, but I can't find it.
Actually, I have lots of questions around that stuff and I'll stop, since it pulls the thread way off track.
Your mulch-growing idea is interesting. While having the good stuff off-site isnt ideal in a permie sense, neither is anything
Would it work to incorporate growing mulch into a rotation? Mixed annuals, especially legumes, cut in autumn, mulched over and planted in spring could be a great way to maintain soil health.
As far as I know, most of the nutrition from amendments will stay in the soil, so the actual planting area needs to be fertilised.
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