I grew up on a piece of land where, with good rubber
boots, you could walk from straight into the park without ever crossing a road, all on crown land. I've driven into the park by accident a few times. I've also spent a fair amount of time camping in the backcountry. It's a beautiful place.
As are all things in life - it's more complicated than is presented here, or I have the background to describe. Here's a few thoughts on the issues that have been raised in this
thread, based on spending time in and around the park, reading the management plan, and talking to some of the people who work there (both loggers and researchers).
I was really surprised to hear that wolves are threatened in the park. We used to have a wolf pack living on our land in the winters (not sure if it still does as I don't walk the trails in the winter anymore to notice wolf sign or stay overnight and hear them howl), and I usually saw a few wolves every year while driving on backroads. Bears are abundant. I found this research... It's not been updated since 2017, but says the population has been more or less stable since they started tracking in the 1980s.
http://www.sbaa.ca/projects.asp?cn=314. Based on this research, they seem to suggest protecting wolves from people in the surrounding areas is the most important issue.
Algonquin park is a fascinating place - a lot of people from the
city think it's completely wild, and it really isn't... honestly a lot of the adjacent crown land is more wild. In my opinion, it's probably one of the most heavily - and carefully - managed large tracts of forest in the country. Some of the lakes in the park are stocked with fish. If you paddle with your eyes open, you can see the remnants of historical logging activities, previous campsites recovering, etc. It's extensivly dammed and logged (mostly small check dams, less than a meter in height for water level maintenance purposes, leftover from historical logging). Areas are set aside for both recreation and logging. World leading biological research is conducted from the park's research centres, and park policy is informed by the results of the research there. Still, with the way the development is managed, you can canoe for days, especially on the popular routes, and never really see any signs of human activity, other than the water control dams, signs, and the thunderboxes in the campsites. They are very careful (due to environmental regulations, but probably also optics) to keep logging away from the waterways.
From the park management plan
"Currently, the silvicultural systems used in Algonquin Park include the selection system, uniform shelterwood system, and patch clear-cut-ting. The selection and uniform shelterwood systems are the principal silvicultural systems. The selection system is used primarily on tolerant hardwoods such as Sugar Maple or American Beech and the uniform shelterwood system is usually used on upland tolerant conifers such as White Pine. In these systems individual trees are selected for harvesting, thus maintaining a continuous forest cover which encourages optimum regeneration. The third silvicultural system, clear cutting, is applied in patches to create openings for the establishment of (shade) intolerant species, such as White Birch and Trembling Aspen, which require an abundance of space and sunlight to regenerate."
The loggers I know are pretty proud of the care they take when logging. There's some misleading information online about the protected areas and where people can log - in addition to the "Protected areas",
"logging is prohibited in July and August within 1.6 kilometres of a canoe route, including lakes, or within 30 metres of a public access road or recreation site. No logging can occur within 60 metres of campsites, portages, hiking and ski trails, and only modified partial cutting within 120 metres of all these recreational features.Ontario’s new Endangered Species Act presents an entirely new set of guidelines as to when logging can occur. For example, species at risk restrictions limit logging in many areas between October and April. There are a host of species-specific harvest and road construction restrictions, including timing and harvest modifications for wildlife such as hawk nests, wolves, moose and trout. There is also concern with certain species of turtles and the need to preserve their habitat, as they are long lived and don’t reproduce quickly."
I won't say the logging is perfect, but it's done to a pretty high and well thought out standard.
The history of that area is incredibly logged- you don't see old growth forest anywhere near the river systems. In some areas, if you look down, you can actually see old sunken logs from the logging days. I've canoed from Achray to Barron Canyon- I never noted much in the way of old growth trees. There is old growth on some of the hiking trails away from the water, but the lakes and rivers were once major logging sites. Old growth near the waterways, if it exists, tends to be the scrappy trees, like cedar which had little value.
The park does allow forest fires to burn especially in the more remote areas of the park. Since I grew up near one of the more remote areas of the park, I watch this pretty closely. I'm unsure if they do prescribed burns in the park, though the management plan allows for them, but Ontario Parks does do them in other provincial parks. Personally, the state of the underbrush in Ontario terrifies me, I fully anticipate Eastern Ontario to go up in flames at some point... but that's a larger scale problem than just Algonquin Park.
I think one of the biggest threats to the park is the calls to stop all logging activity, which is already mostly selective cutting. Beyond the obvious financial impacts on my hometown and others like it, without a clear alternative way to manage the forest - (will they change from logging 1 percent each year to burning 1 per cent each year? I would be okay with this, but none of the stuff I have seen suggests people are considering the need to manage the forest) I suspect this path will lead to more harm than good.
Beavers are doing just fine in the area - I lost count of how many beaver lodges I saw last time I was in the park, plus seeing two actual beavers. My family property has at least two beaver dams, probably 3-4 on 100 acres (we have a lot of swamp from dammed up streams). One of the park's most important roles is protecting the headwaters of various rivers that provide the water to much of southern Ontario.
Bullfrogs and other amphibians are also doing just fine in the park, it can actually be a challenge not to step on them. There is little large-scale agriculture, pesticide, or fertilizer use for hundreds of kilometers, and we've mostly fixed the acid rain issue with improved environmental regulations. I can send you pictures if you're worried!
As for deer and moose.... In my area, deer graze in the deciduous uplands in the summer and travel down to the coniferous valleys in the winter. Usually the composition of the forests and distribution of the deer has more to do with sunlight and moisture than anything else. Wind topple is also a big factor for conifers in the uplands - the
root system doesn't seem to be as strong and the soil is thin. At least where I grew up, surviving the winter (ie, having enough conifers to eat, and a low snowpack ) is the limiting factor on deer populations. Deer also favour more disturbed areas than moose. Historically you seldom see deer in the same area as moose, and I believe deer were actually fairly rare in the area prior to colonization. Basically the large scale land clearing, logging, and road development have pushed the ranges of deer, moose, and caribou north.
One of the largest threats to the moose population is climate change- with warmer temperatures in the winter, ticks aren't dying over the winter, and moose are literally being sucked dry over the winter, and dying. They are called "ghost moose", and are pretty heartbreaking.
Edited to add:
I guess if i was to take a
permaculture lesson from Algonquin park - it's that, with careful management, it's possible to balance the needs of wildlife, economic development, and recreation and create a space that works for everyone. I'd also look at how the parks policies have evolved over time, and continue to evolve, and suggest that it's a good lesson on how this management isn't,and can never be, static and unchanging.