How much horsetail? It's basically impossible to get rid of it laughs at mulch and even if you cover the area in black plastic for 2 years you'll find as soon as you pull it off, the roots which have been supported by plants in the neighbours garden will spring back to life. most grasses and clover will die if you plough or dig them under, couch grass is a nasty exception and I am sure there are others.
The fact that you have
enough horsetail to notice it probably means that your soil is wet and doesn't drain well, (not necessarily there are horsetail types that like dry sand) you may need to look into drainage before you do anything else. Pigs do not losen soil they are very good at compacting it, there's several threads on here on how to use them to seal a
pond! Going back to the horsetail, keeping it chopped off will weaken it and constantly chopping it down seems to kill it in about 3-5 years but if it is outside your garden you will never win that fight entirely. I have some in the
lawn it copes with constant mowing and being walked on, but as it doesn't bother me I don't bother it there.
Oh I just re read your post 1000sqr ft is there a 0 missing? that is very very little room for 2 pigs. in fact it is so little room it would be illegal here, not on a welfare standpoint but on the grounds ability to absorb effluent. 2 pigs in 1000ft is going to stink and seriously pollute, I wouldn't expect to be able to grow anything on that
land the year after a pair of pigs had been confined there. Now I see what a small area you are talking about, just dig the entire thing and fish out all the roots by hand, once it thaws of