Hi all!
So I got some great news last weekend that I want to share, and bounce some ideas around. I decided that this summer I am going to put some of this
permaculture knowledge I have been cramming into my brain to good use. I put the word out to some friends that I was looking for some property ~3 acres to lease to do chicken/quail tractors at. A friend of mine has been running a landscaping crew for a
local Christmas tree farm for a few years now, he said he would ask them.
2 weeks later I met with the owners son, my friends boss, he is probably late 20's early 30's. He had googled Joel Salatin and
chicken tractors and was very interested. We BSed for a bit and he showed me around, they have
chickens, pigs, cows, and horses. The property is 110acres with 14 acres fenced pasture, some hills, natural ponds, Christmas
trees, and hardwoods.
So after the tour I asked, "Ok so what are you thinking about for a lease?"
He said, "Well, we tried raising broilers before and it ended up not being that profitable for us, so just go ahead and do it."
I said, "Wow, well what about some
profit sharing or something?"
He said, "Yeah we could do that, but honestly I would want you to make sure you get your money and income out of it first. In all honesty my dad would be ecstatic to get maybe $100-$200 out of the deal."
I said, "OK, well I don't really feel comfortable using your
land and not helping you out in some way, what about labor?"
He said, " Really? that would be awesome, actually that would be the best thing. I am busy all summer running the landscaping crews and my dad is getting up there in age and just doesn't have the motivation that he used to."
So I ended up getting access to the whole 14 acres of pasture and I get to help with some farm choirs.
My friend having known this guy for a few years has told me that he really wants to convert the farm to an organic farm. However he is busy running the landscaping / snow removal business and his dad is content with doing Christmas trees. I am hoping that I can show them a profitable way to raise poultry and perhaps start letting
permaculture loose on the land. With the structures they already have( parking lot, sale building) a u-pick Holzer style maze would be a perfect fit into the landscape and not interfere with their current enterprises. I am going to start slow and hopefully they will continue to be receptive. The son is very receptive, he was very interested in
permaculture asking questions and writing stuff down to google later.
Any way I found this whole encounter rather encouraging and thought I would share it with the group. I'll make sure I take lots of pics and maybe start a
thread of the progression.
*Oh and raccoons seem to be a major problem on the farm. They are fine with hunting trapping them, though they don't want to do it themselves. Any suggestions to keep the raccoons out of things?
Questions, comments, concerns, suggestions all welcome.