I think bokashi is probably not suitable for compost tea, as it is anerobic.
Having read the
Humanure handbook in the meantime i wonder how it impacts
the composts suitability for compost tea when there is no thermophilc stage because
the compost is too small. The author said for compost to reliably undergo a thermophilic
phase it needs to be at least a cubic metre in size.
However here is my current plan:
Get a big mortar trough and fill it with earth.
Get two buckets and drill a lot of holes in them from all sides/bottom that
are big
enough for worms to pass through.
Burry both buckets into the mortar trough, deep enough so that the holes
i drilled are covered in earth, but they should not be on the bottom of the mortar through,
there should still be eart below them and of course it should be possible to put the lid on/ take it off.
Then fill one bucket with the content of an existing compost pile to inoculate
the system and close it with a lid.
The other bucket can than be filled with the waste stream from the kitchen.
As both buckets have a lid, the air exchange happens through the earth surrounding
the buckets, therefore any odor should not be percieved and flies cannot get to it.
Also the mortar through can be planted.
Any suggestion what to plant?
Any other comments?