A bit of direction so that so many of us can share a tiny space and keep from stepping on each others toes
This property is under construction. It might be another seven years before it looks like a
permie theme park.
Any ideas about how to add beauty or any other improvement, please post to the public
wheaton labs forum.
Pee everywhere - special gear for women (new or sterilized) provided in willow bank
Willow feeder: keep it dry. one side has a
urine diverter for those that need it
Please eat organic or better: we want your
poop and pee to not contain toxins that end up on our growies. And just our overall standards.
Bring plenty of your own food. We provide simple fare, so you are encouraged to bring your favorite foody-bits and cook them up on our
solar and rocket cookers.
water at base camp is excellent drinking water
- our well produces very little water
- we ran out of water several times in the past
- we would like to encourage everybody to consider trying
We have wifi at basecamp. 20 down and 8 up.
Please push oodles of pics and videos to permies.
If you wish to not be in
video and pics, it is your responsibility to wear a bag over your head.
Please go easy on the hooch. Our past is deeply scarred by hooch.
No drugs, pot, tobacco or vaping.
Quiet time: 9:30pm to 6:00am. Please turn all the music up and exercise full joy at 6am. Please do not shame the morning music and joy.
Help us keep everything clean. Clean up after yourself. In seven years we might have staff to clean up after you as if you were at some sort of luxury resort, but not yet.
Minimize use of the gate.
Montana is a Castle Law state. So if you happen to wander onto somebody else's property, you could be legally shot. Please don't wander off.
Black bears on the lab - be sure food is well contained and can't be smelled by a bear if you're staying on the lab.
Rule of 15 - if you set a cup down, imagine 15 cups being set down. Things look tidy because of the rule of 15 - everybody tidies up after themselves immediately.
Keeping your stuff cool: we can rent you a cooler for $20 complete with ice packs and you can swap out ice packs from our freezer. Please don't put your stuff in our fridges/freezers.