Blake Dozier wrote:would you mind sharing your process for making tea?
Sure! I grab a likely-looking branch and strip the leaves, repeating until I’ve got enough to cover a cookie sheet. I usually take them from lower down or in the shaded areas of the bush, so I don’t feel like I’m threatening its survival (even though you can’t walk three steps here without running into one!) because I’m just weird like that.
I have been separating out the little twigs I inevitably end up with, but I kinda wonder if that’s even necessary? I might try leaving them in the next batch, just to see. [EDITED TO ADD: If you harvest from a female bush, make sure to pick out any berries, since those are toxic to humans.]
I don’t wash them or anything, because I know the ones here haven’t been exposed to any pollutants or pesticides, but you could, I suppose, then let them dry thoroughly.
Then I spread them out on a cookie sheet and bake them for 20 min at 350°F. Once they’ve cooled I dump them into a plastic bag and squish it to crunch them up, but you could also use a food processor, mortar and pestle, etc.
Stick a teaspoon or so into a diffuser and steep in boiling
water for 5 min or so, add whatever you like in your tea, and enjoy!