Permies, I need your advice and ideas for dealing with a big pit of
wood. On some
land I bought a few years ago, there is an arroyo/ravine where the former landowners threw woody material and some trash. They also threw metal, glass, aluminum, some building materials, two dog houses, one cigarette vending machine and a variety of other trash. The dimensions of the dead wood mass are 40 feet long, 15 feet across, and 7 feet deep in the middle of the stream
course. I have pulled most of the trash from the wood as much as I can, but I am sure there is some hidden within. The wood is from pinyon and juniper
trees, and has been there for 5-10 years without breaking down. My concern is that the arroyo is surrounded by live pinyon and juniper trees and this is a giant fire hazard waiting to torch my little forest.
My goals are to somehow break down the wood and make it less flammable - hopefully even making the area into a productive hugelkulture.
But - there are some contstraints
-The ravine slope is steep and I cannot maneuver an earth mover to dump dirt on the pit. I have tried several times. The only way to get to it is on foot.
-Biocharring with a barrel is time prohibitive as I could only process small amounts during limited times where a burn ban is not in effect.
-Woodchipping is also not feasible as I cannot get a chipper close
enough to the area.
-The sides of the ravine are rocky and cannot be dug for dirt to throw on top.