One small square = 2ft, big square = 8ft - bigger version included in next post
I’m pretty much starting with a blank canvas. This is an urban plot on a busy road. It’s 116 ft long and tad under 60ft wide with a house plonked in the middle. I’m in NY state, Lower Hudson area. This is my first rough sketch and the culmination of many moments of dreaming. It’s heavily influenced by my ongoing
PEP journey. (I may include a 7ft high, 25ft long
hugelkultur parallel to the main road). Alas no
bees, goats or ducks. There will be small
water features.
I’m not trying to go self sufficient, I simply don’t have the room. I’d be happy if I could grow lots of herbs, and veg that is unusual and can’t be bought
local. Lots of fruit bushes,
trees, vines. The whole south-side of the house will be shaded by vines. (I probably
should have included some elevations, but this is a very early draft.)
I’d be happy if I could get this done in five years and see lots of happy hummingbirds.
Oh, there’s currently no pantry, mudroom,
workshop, garage or car port! There’s nothing other than the house except some legacy planting, grass and tarmac / asphalt.
Right . . . Time to stop dreaming, got a basement to finish before winter.