Permies and the Paul Wheaton Express are growing by leaps and bounds, and we're in need of a few new hands to spin plates/push boulders/cross i's and dot t's.
I started a new
thread about the opportunity here:
And we made a new questionnaire for people who might want to be considered for the role here:
My questions for you, dear co-conspirators, are as follows.
Do the links work? Did you get where you were supposed to go?
How does everything look on mobile? On desktop?
Any ideas to make the thread better/clearer/more fun?
- does it give you
enough of an idea about the gig to know if it would be right for you?
- what would make it better?
Any ideas to make the questionnaire better/shorter/clearer/more fun?
- If you had to cut a question, which would they be?
- If you had to add a question, which would you add?
- If you were forced at shovel-point to add some pop and giggle to the survey, what would you come up with?
And my last question - you're hearing about it first, folks. Are any of you interested? If so, jump on the questionnaire and let me know!
Please, leave me any and all feedback right here, and know that you are greatly and eternally appreciated!