Looking for any info / advice on these ravenous beings. I believe these are Euura ribesii, not Nematus ribesii, unless those are synonymous. They’ve taken residence in a row of red currants for years, completely defoliating them if we don’t do anything. When we catch them early it’s manageable but we really don’t want them to spread to our many other currants and gooseberries and become unmanageable. So far they haven’t, and I am wondering why.
Are they present in the landscape and just happened to find one of our rows of red currants (but not the others)? Or maybe they arrived with those red currants from the nursery, and haven’t made it to the other plants yet because it’s hard for them to travel the distance? About 50ft away we have a patch of black currants that has remained unaffected (Ive read black currants are less susceptible but I’ve also seen people reporting their black currants are infested). About a quarter mile away we have other red currants and gooseberries that are so far unaffected. Is it just a matter of time?
Should I try to eradicate the sawflies from that one row of red currants, in case that’s acting as a foothold for them to spread to other areas? We could remove that row of red currants if necessary. I read someone tried to transplant their plants and the sawflies just came along to the new spot. If they arrived with the plants from the nursery about 7 years ago, and could spread to other areas, then I’d think about removing that row of red currants completely to try to eradicate them. But if they are already present in the area and just happened to find this one row and not the others, then there’s not much I can do to prevent them from eventually finding the others, right?
If anyone has any info along these lines please let me know!