As a farmer, I am a steward of the land and it’s animals.
My job is to feed both people and nature, to build up the world around me.
Farmers are healers of the land and providers of the people.
I will do my best to keep a clean and healthy environment that would be pleasing to God
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:There seems to be little money in selling primary produce. Primary producers always seem to get the shaft.
And nobody Instagrams their latest acquisition of vegetables etc.
The money, I think, is in selling "experiences" to people. Have they every dug a potato or a carrot? Have their children? Have they dressed a hog carcass (after the unpleasant first act is done)? Things like that can be photographed and captioned. My 2c.
As a farmer, I am a steward of the land and it’s animals.
My job is to feed both people and nature, to build up the world around me.
Farmers are healers of the land and providers of the people.
I will do my best to keep a clean and healthy environment that would be pleasing to God
….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
John F Dean wrote:Much depends upon where your farm is. Generally, I agree with Dave in that produce is not a path to financial success. I have encounter one significant exception. I know of one produce grower who raises crops in a pocket with a number of upper end restaurants. He raises crops as his customers dictate. They are high quality. A number of greenhouses are involved to assure year round delivery.
As a farmer, I am a steward of the land and it’s animals.
My job is to feed both people and nature, to build up the world around me.
Farmers are healers of the land and providers of the people.
I will do my best to keep a clean and healthy environment that would be pleasing to God
With appropriate microbes, minerals and organic matter, there is no need for pesticides or herbicides.
With appropriate microbes, minerals and organic matter, there is no need for pesticides or herbicides.
Faye Streiff wrote:Just talked about your situation with my husband. He said grow vertically, green beans, cucumbers, small squash, strawberry towers, etc. , and also think about how much you make per square foot. Garlic likes rich, soft soil but you can plant it 3” apart both ways, do wide rows with a small walkway. Huge market for organic garlic. The Jerusalem artichokes I already mentioned can produce 5 times more than potatoes on the same amount of land (mine actually do more than that). And sell for about $8. a pound here, and demand is high. Lettuce likes a little shade in summer so grow between your cuke or bean towers. Stack functions to take up less space.
As a farmer, I am a steward of the land and it’s animals.
My job is to feed both people and nature, to build up the world around me.
Farmers are healers of the land and providers of the people.
I will do my best to keep a clean and healthy environment that would be pleasing to God
J Manszewski wrote:I think hosting classes are very valuable! Either online or in person. Charging for each event. I am too, from West Michigan, and there is little to none hands on classes for basic learning skills. Even simple as garden planning. Or hog butchering. Basic farm practices.
As a farmer, I am a steward of the land and it’s animals.
My job is to feed both people and nature, to build up the world around me.
Farmers are healers of the land and providers of the people.
I will do my best to keep a clean and healthy environment that would be pleasing to God
Nothing ruins a neighborhood like paved roads and water lines.
Do, there is no try --- Yoda
No one is interested in something you didn't do--- Gord Downie
What are your superhero powers? Go ahead and try them on this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies