Happy New Year 2024!!
I decided to go check on my mushroom beds as a way of welcoming in 2024. Last summer was not a great time for me to garden—I was terribly busy and I was away from home for much of the season. My beds simply grew fallow with weeds. A couple of weeks ago I went out to clean the beds up by using some hedge trimmers to cut the weeds down at the ground and then haul them out. I had a couple of observations.
1). The bedding was no longer feeling much like chips, but rather felt squishy.
2). The 2x10’s that I worked so hard to paint with a safe coating to delay rot have finally succumb to the inevitable onslaught of fungal invasion. I mean what else could happen? At least I got a few years out of them. I think I will re-establish with cement blocks.
So today I went out and stuck a garden fork in the bedding just to see what the conditions looked like under the surface. When I put these in, the chips were rather large, more like chunks. But the fork easily penetrated and when I turned it over, the bedding really no longer looked like wood at all. The consistency was something between potting soil and
coffee grounds.
Interestingly, the top two inches were dark, rich, almost black and seethed with short
roots. That section was nice and moist. There were a few spots of fungus, but I bet that there was some healthy bacterial growth in there. Below the top two inches the bedding was more coarse, drier, brown, and looked more like coffee grounds than potting soil.
At this point I am not certain what my next step will be. Next summer will be another busy one and I do need to get some more permanent edging for the raised beds. Perhaps this will be something that I conjure up in the coming weeks. I will keep everyone updated.