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Looking for liquid food.

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I am having trouble digesting whole food right now. My insides need a well deserved rest for a while. I am looking at the meal and food supplements to drink. I am still able to eat foot, but in limited quantities. As I search and relearn what to eat it was suggested I use those mixes and drinks as meal replacements. Not the energy drinks or weight watchers stuff. But real food replacements. I can drink milk. I must try to avoid taurine. I am not worried about calories. I need them and nutrition.

Any suggestions oh healthy permien people.
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Maybe keep it simple and just juice some fresh fruits and vegetables. You can go a while on stuff like this before adding more more substantial food to your diet.
If you buy ready made shakes and meal replacements, you really don't know what (else) you are getting.
I suspect that there is some good for us stuff in real food that is yet to be discovered.
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If you have a juicer, apple/carrot juice is pretty good. The acids in apple juice are supposed to be soothing to upset stomachs and the carrots provide lots of vitamin A, which helps the immune system and speeds healing.

I've done the Master Cleanse diet before - it's fresh squeezed lemon juice and grade "B" maple syrup (more minerals than grade "A") with some cayenne pepper, diluted in water. You can read up on it to see all the benefits.

Weston A. Price Foundation says you can live on just raw milk, if the cow is eating fresh grass (most dairies increase production by feeding lots of grain and concentrates).

Potassium broth is supposed to be very soothing on upset digestive systems - boil squash, carrots, other vegetables until very soft then you can puree them or just drink the broth. Along those lines, there's a delicious soup made by just cooking sliced fennel bulbs in chicken broth then pureeing it. I often add leeks when I make it.
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A typical breakfast on mine: one banana, 3 egg yolks from backyard chickens, 4+ floz quality yogurt, some frozen strawberries & blueberries, quality milk or juice, then slowly drizzle melted coconut oil while blending... I use the heat on the stove for melting the coconut oil, after I have boiled water for making sweet tea for my kombucha.

I also like to juice veggies. One of my stand-bye drinks is one pound carrots, half large cucumber and some comfrey. Sometimes I mix other things from the garden or farmer's market (like yummy beet root)
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Hi Daniel, If you have a vegetable juicer and you want a juice that tastes really good, try this juice recipe.

1 large beet root with some of the green tops (maybe one or two tops)
6+ large carrots
1 granny smith (tart) apple
1 pear
juice of 1 lemon or slightly less
thumb size piece of ginger root or slightly less

If you enjoy this recipe you can take it to the next (nutritional) level and add a cup of fresh parsley or other leafy green vegetable but these additions will make the flavor of the juice more bitter (an acquired taste).

Hope this helps and get well soon.
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Blenders are wonderful tools. Almost any food can put through the blender, if it's got a strong motor. Even things like eggshells, watermelon seeds and rinds, and crab shells can be ground up into to digestible size. (Talk about making the inedible and unappetizing edible!) For people who have some problem swallowing and are fed through a gastrostomy tube, you can take pretty much any meal, add a good size glass of milk and liquify it enough to flow it through the tube. There is not much culinary skill required here, since tube-feeding preparations bypass the taste buds.

However, if you are going to take this liquid food by mouth, you have to think about what's it's going to taste like before you throw it in the blender. I like wine, and I also like it with cheese and crackers, but somehow, the idea of putting it all together in the blender doesn't sound too good to me. Also, some foods will take a LOT of liquid before they start to flow well -- like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Pates, SPAM, refried beans, mashed potatoes, a can of minestrone soup, these don't take much liquid to turn into drinkable consistency. You want to avoid natural (or artificial) emulsifiers; lecithin (egg yolks), carrageenan (sea weed), pectin (cooked fruits), to keep the blended product thin and runny.

Another thing to consider when preparing a liquid meal is that digestion starts in the mouth by chewing your food and adding saliva. When you bypass this step, it's advisable to add some extra digestive enzymes in your blend so that food molecules are being broken down even before you swallow. Things to add are: pineapple (bromelain), papaya (papain), kiwi (actinidain), and even ginger and citrus juice, as another post has mentioned. These fruits or juices have to be raw, their digestive enzymes are inactivated by cooking.

Fermented foods are also pre-digested by the fermentation process, and in addition contain live bacteria that can be beneficial to the intestinal flora. Things like sauerkraut and kimchi can be tossed in the blender, and if you don't care for the taste of them, just down it as one quick shot.

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google "fat, sick, and nearly dead" for the reboot your life juice fast. The idea was to take already nutrient dense food and juice it to make it denser, removing fiber so your digestive tract can rest and reboot.
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Well I found this thread by doing a search for (fat, sick, nearly dead) as the above poster mentioned. I was searching a post I had on my Facebook page, I rarely go there but it was about a movie that came out last year? Called "Fed Up", about how the government is allowing companies to drug Americans with a diet of processed foods and sugars. Anyway one of the links lead to where you could buy the movie on amazon.com. One of the reviewers mentioned a movie called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".

Here is the trailer for the movie which I will include the link so you can watch the whole movie free also, but here is the trailer:

A month and a half ago I was deciding to go on a Green Smoothie diet, I talked to another driver at the company I work for and he mentioned how he had supplemented his normal diet with a green smoothie using the Nutribullet(available a Walmart), over a year period without doing anything except one smoothie a day he lost 90 pounds. Told me he didn't change his walking habits only this.
Well the truck I was in had an inverter and a fridge, so I started the fridge up deciding to gear up for some smoothies. Truck went to shop, truck went to auction, new truck no fridge, no inverter. The inverter was to run the Nutribullet. I bought a Nutribullet anyway. Now I run across all these "happy coincidences that lead me back to do the smoothies". And a big plus was that halfway through the video the star of the story runs into a truck driver with the same health issue he had, plus more health issues. 429 pounds of tired driver.

Watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"
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I bought a juicer after watching fat sick and nearly dead, used it a few times and then it went into the closet to collect dust. While it is a great way to get veggies into someone who had minimal ideas what to do with veggies or how to prepare or select them, I would recommend the chapter in Nourishing Traditions on vegetables as a much better way to learn how to get a wide variety of them into your diet and enjoy eating them and preparing them. The fiber in veggies is there for a reason, strip the fiber and drink the juice and you have a somewhat unnatural product. Better than Cheetos at least...

Smoothies are great, you keep all parts of the veggies you use, much better than juicing from what I have found.

As far as liquids that are incredibly nourishing and healing I would try to make if you can, or buy if you must, the best broth you can get. I think the old saying is something like "a good broth can raise the dead". It usually helps whenever I feel off. Also finely shredded real kraut (lactofermented) and coconut oil are two other liquidey highly nutritious healing foods that digest easily.
Mike Feddersen
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John, thank you for the heads-up on "Nourishing Traditions", I went and read the first 10 reviews. Even a doctor was expounding on the completeness of the authors undertaking. One made the comment, "even if you're not into cooking the nutrition information is awesome" (paraphrased).
John Master
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Sally Fallon and Dr Mary Enig are world renowned in the food as medicine world, Been cooking out of that cookbook for almost 3 years now. One problem in the world of food is that the fats people really need in their diet are the ones that many doctors vehemently warn you to avoid at all costs. They do an amazing job of breaking down the history and science of dietary fat.
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Dear Daniel (and everyone else),

I saw your post and thought I'd add my two cents... I think that green smoothies are a great way to go if you are trying to improve digestion provided that the green smoothies you drink are made from simple,
whole ingredients. Some people make their smoothies very complicated, i.e. add lots of supplements, yogurts, powders, and the like. As a result, their digestion suffers from such concoctions.
Together with my mom (Victoria Boutenko the smoothie queen) and sister, I’ve hosted over 40 week-long green smoothie retreats all over the world. At these retreats people we able to heal from all sorts of
issues including digestive problems. I promise you that simple green smoothies will help! Here are a few recipes to get you started:

Powered By Greens Smoothie
½ cup collard greens
1 cup Swiss chard
½ cup parsley
¼ bunch fresh mint
1 pear
1 mango
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 ripe banana
1 cup water

Michael’s Madness
2 ½ cups lambs quarters
1 mango
2 pluots
1 Fuji apple
1 ripe banana
1 cup water

Jace’s 100 miler
1 cup spinach
1 head romaine lettuce
1 cup yellow watermelon cubes
2 kiwis
1 pear
½ cup blueberries
1 ripe banana
1 cup water

Here’s how you make a green smoothie in three easy steps: 1. Choose the smoothie that you want to make, 2.) Blend listed ingredients in a blender until smooth, and 3.) Enjoy! It’s literally that simple.

If you’d like more information about smoothies check out my movie “Powered By Green Smoothies." In 2013 I did a pilot study to see how simple green smoothies would affect endurance athletes.
The results were extremely positive. For the month of January I’m having a sale on my smoothie movie. $5 gets you a digital download of the movie, a recipe ebook, and instructional video about how
to make a tasty green smoothie every time. Click Here to Learn More..
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