Dear Allen and Samatax,
Please let me use parts of your original posts to organize the following text.
I would always be on the lookout for all the hard wood you can find,
Allen, we have eucalyptus here which is harder than pine, it is hard to cut too but I will try to get some when I have a chance. People don't throw old hard wood furniture away here, actually down here people throw away only garbage.
After your pipe makes its 180 degree turn and comes back running along the wall, of what material is that wall made, and what is on the other side of it !
Allen, on the other side we have our living room, the wall is made by clay bricks and concrete bricks as it was the outside wall. This part of the house where we are installing the Rocket is a room that we added to the house.
On the subject of the 180 degree turn, we decided 3 days ago to go single pipe under the bench and simplify the project therefore we exist the Rocket then 2 meter of pipe then 90 degree elbow toward the sky inside the room. We will accept and implement your idea of a coat hanger in the vertical pipe inside the house which we will cover with cob. Then this pipe climbs about 3 meters and turn 90 degrees to be horizontal again just to cross an outside wall then turn 90 degrees again toward the sky outside the house.
We tested this design and it worked nicely. I guess this answers the question provided by Samatax on how to cob the horizontal pipe that were formerly running into the house. We are not.
install some thing called a bell -
Allen, do you have any picture of the bell thing, I am curious about it.
When you are ready to cover the most amount of your pipe in Cob, plan on covering the whole first vertical pipe with Cob , here you could try a couple of
deep niches, for allowing the dough/unbaked bread to rise, this may be a great area to hang your outside coats etc. so that they are always warm and dry!
Allen,Those are great ideas I am going to implement them.
Carlos,how did you pick that point to exit out the house with your Exhaust Pipe ! was it just because the builder put
a hole for a smoke pipe there ?
No, I did the whole where we thought might be the right place.
Mom Wisdom ' If every one of your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump too?!' - Where have your neighbors
Exhaust pipe exited out of their houses, is it on the lee side, or generally out of the wind? does the chimney get any
direct sun ? These are things to worry about ''tomorrow'' !
No building standards are being followed here, each one has a different way to have their chimneys. I understand the Mom wisdom here we don't follow anybody, I actually think this heater is the only one in the whole country. We are currently thinking on building a tire house which will be also the first on the whole country.
Yes the chimney gets direct sun as the whole house confronts the North, so we have sun all year round. Is this important? why?
To finish this long email, I have two new questions please let me know if I need to open new topics,
First one is about smoke leakds, I guess if I have small wholes on the metal pipe I can cover them with cob, right? and I also guess that in doing so they will be air tight right? please correct me if I wrong.
Second is about the bench, I have a lot sand here, as I live 2 from from the ocean, not really ocean as technically speaking this is a big river mouth and the ocean is about 50 miles down the river, but there is plenty of sand, what is your opinion about filling part of the bench with sand provided I did a contention wall to receive the sand. Of
course not all the bench will be sand but only parts of it.
again, thanks a lot for your time and information.
Best wishes
Carlos and Nara