I absolutely LOVE pumpkins and squash, but I am just not going to have room to put them in my garden--not with the 6' or so required.
I watched some youtube vids of people "crimping" a rye cover crop, and planting pumpkins on top of that without tilling.
There is a strip of about 6' between the
lawn and a field (no idea what the farmer will put in there this year). The strip is just tall grass.
I was thinking I could dig a planting hole for the vines (larger than needed, mixed in with some
compost), then mulching around it with cardboard, and adding cardboard as the vines take off. If it would work, at least the plants would not have any stress due to over crowding.
Does it sound like a viable plan? I could use a string trimmer to flatten everything at the beginning, then keep choking the grass out with
cardboard mulch as the vines developed.
I'm fairly novice at veggie growing, and I had no idea these plants required THAT much space--but the 6' strip of tall grass is at least 200 yards long. If I could press it into service, that would be ample space.
Thanks for any suggestions.