So here's the background, I would like to make a move to somewhere in the future (next 10 years) to be able to buy some
land. I used to live in Peru (in the
city) but the dynamics of the country, the likely climate changes let alone the speculation that drives up prices on land make me lean away from going back there to give it a go. I currently live in the UK but again land prices here are crazy, plus the climate is not the best. Given I speak Spanish and that various areas of Spain (and Portugal to be fair) look like they will weather climate change relatively well, I am currently doing my research there (there's an argument this
should fall in the Iberia forum I know).
Due to the timescales, this is currently a desktop exercise

. So here's the crux of the question, what makes a perfect (good) climate for growing/living in. I have downloaded Spain's climate records from the 1940s through to 2012 (I will endeavour to access the rest but someone had already compiled the first dataset so I am starting off with what I have).
How much precipitation?
Maximum threshold in the wet months to avoid flooding?
How many days rain per month is good? 50%, 60% as a good distribution.
How many heavy rain days? I am qualifying heavy rain as 20mm or more, probably want to avoid areas which are prone to this.
Minimum threshold in the dry months to avoid drought.
Temperature range?
I am thinking from my personal preference that 10-12 degree minimum would be manageable given that higher temperatures would likely affect precipitation.
Average temperatures per month? Given likely warming, an area which sees mid to high 20s (centigrade) sounds okay.
Amount of sunshine/hours of daylight? -
Sunshine - I imagine that this would need to be considered as a % of daylight hours, during the growing season 50-60% of daylight hours in sun?
Daylight hours - I imagine this won't be hugely variable due to the variance in locations, but an 10-14 hour range of daylight sounds like a good target
I am thinking to try and assign a score to each area and then see how each area compares as well as how much it varies per year. Are there any other areas you think should be considered (from a purely climatic perspective)?
Thanks for putting up with my musings and also for any suggestions you can bring.