Zach Bradshaw wrote:Question: Would it make sense to post this in "Farm Income" as some of my questions are in regards to what else I can do with a farm to make income so I can survive? Can't pay taxes without money!
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Ann Torrence wrote:I'd hire a business broker to represent me, someone who can help run the financials. The realtor won't know squat about net income.
I hear you about wanting to exit the mainstream economy. Is a Christmas tree lot all that recession-proof? Or do you want to start diversifying right away to satisfy that personal security need?
Zach Bradshaw wrote:I would think Christmas Trees are the last thing people spend money on in recession, but the land is more what I am after. The tree farm is just an added bonus for while the economy is okay. I hope my thoughts are wrong and the economy stays fine so I can run a neat business out of the farm.
My secure investments are silver and rentals housing locked in on 30 year fully amortized non adjusting loans. This can ( a risky one and I am okay with that.
Zach Bradshaw wrote:
1. All this being known now, anything you'd tell me before I dive into this?
2. What sort of questions should I be asking the owner of the farm? I analyze financials, I am not a farmer - yet.
3. Has anyone seen what can creatively compliment a Christmas Tree Farm? The farm is already know, so I feel like it's a decent base to work off of. It's not a "fresh" start but rather a new beginning. I have a platform and market to grow and use marketing with to start new things.
4. I've read mushroom farms can do decent in Washington State (legal type), anyone have any experience with this and would Christmas Tree sort of conditions be good for them as well?
Owner, Etta Place Cider
I am a man of mystery. Mostly because of this tiny ad:
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