Kelly O. : Welcome to, our sister site, and the Rocket and
Wood Heaters forum threads!
With E & E being so busy, consider the time they gave you as a serious boon! Here at Permies we say that the problem IS the solution(!), probably the
answer is the solution lies in the problem . Most of the hottest bits of your RMH will be well insulated by the thermal mass, the temps at the points
of pass thru are never going to be voter than your butt can tolerate for a 1/2hr,(?)
The exact type of thermal break at this point depends on your budget mostly, some ceramic fiber batting sealed up in Nomex
should work to seal air
leaks while a large mesh screen provides the thermal break and a degree of privacy between the sauna and changing area as needed !
You have described adequate (I Think) bracing under your Sauna, but not about insulating the floor from the RMHs high temps!
YOU-TUBE ! Oh what a dirty word! Because u-tube is So hungry for content they will give space to
any video, with no pretense of any screening for safety,
or basic attempt at honesty, totally hands off, that leaves all decision up to the very people that at there to learn! be watchful, be careful, be safe!
Mylar or aluminum foil type reflective sheets reflect 80 - 85% of the radiant heat back into the room when installed with an air gap to both sides !
a google search will find it in your area usually in a roll 4' high ! Come back often, and show us pictures For the Good of the Craft ! Big AL