First harvest of 2017, of 2183-Roux and 2127 (unnamed.) Two seed tubers of each, received Summer 2017 from Oikos Tree Crops. 2127-unnamed had a *lot* less
water than 2183-Roux; operator error on that one, so poor results
should not be taken as predictor of next year's harvest...
Here's a recap of the the notes I'll be entering on each following photo:
2183-Roux, grown in leftover potting soil and partially decomposed woodchips, with a layer of ground paper next, then Houston black clay underneath. One of the two varieties grown up sunchokes.
Seed tuber #1
Total longest string length, seed tuber to the last new tuber: little less than 6'
3 bearing shoots- one from side of tuber, one from underground/buried section of plant stem, one from aboveground stem.
Seed tuber #2
Total longest string length, seed tuber to the last new tuber: 5' 1"
3 bearing shoots with same placement as above.
Middle shoot (on
underground part of plant stem) had only 2 tubers.
Shoot that came from the tuber itself was the longest.
The most interesting part of this particular grow-out was that about two thirds of the way along the longest shoot, the growing shoot hit a large clump of Houston black clay – within that ball of clay, I found a small swollen node that had split into two separate shoots. Shoots went back up into the woodchip stratum next, thereafter as you can see the tuber placement is considerably closer, with tuber size much more uniform.
This may indicate a thicker, more clayey soil could make tuber production closer together on a string, with more uniform tuber size. I'll be watching for this trait next year.
2127-unnamed, grown in leftover potting soil and partially decomposed woodchips, with a layer of ground paper next, then Houston black clay underneath. One of the two varieties grown up sunchokes. 2127 had much less water than 2183 ; the groundnuts were grown at ground level on the north side of strawbales, where in the sunchokes had been planted. The 2127 was grown at the base of the far end of the strawbale row, at the southwest end, the hottest and driest area.
Seed tuber #1
Total longest string length, seed tuber to the last new tuber: 1' 1"
Single shoot is from tuber.
One conjoined tuber.
Seed tuber #2
Total longest string length, seed tuber to the last new tuber: 10 1/2"
Two shoots, both from the underground part of the plant stem.
One conjoined tuber on the face of the seed tuber itself.
Several additional shoots coming off the other end of the seed tuber, all broken off. This is actually the first tuber that I dug up, so it's quite possible I didn't recognize what the shoots were at that point and snapped them off, leaving additional tubers in the ground. I'll go out looking for them later.