Lots of thoughts, maybe not so organized
1. Second Mike Jay's suggestion of poly pipe (technically it's called poly tubing) . It is so much easier and cheaper than PVC. I use thousands of feet and rarely have a problem.
2. Sounds like a nightmare
3. See above
4. I leave my main line pressurized a lot. In several years it has never let go or blown out, even at the bottom of the hill where it is 90-100PSI. I use Direc-Loc fittings, and this is 1" line. They are totally bomber. Now there is a caveat here: some cheaper poly pipe of the smaller diameter is much thinner walled and I did for a while have some blow outs when the line was pressurized in high heat. So that may be a problem where you are. If you bury it though, I don't think you'll have an issue. Also, I get hard freezes here and one of the great virtues of poly tubing is that it is flexible enough to handle a freeze. Not that I tempt fate.
Timing: I use 1 1/2" solenoid valves that are 24v. They are about $50-60 but allow you to power timed valves in the field using just a car battery and a small
solar panel (24w, 80Ah battery in my case). A real benefit is that you can put solenoid valves on your zones. For those I use 1" valves and they are very reasonable especially if you buy them in bulk. The 3/4" valves you see in the big box stores are worthless. Check out Irrigation Direct
online. The valves I use the most of are something like this:
https://www.irrigationdirect.com/product/electric-solenoid-valve-1-fpt-female-pipe-thread-24vac-dfv100- Note the quantity discounts.
I also did what you are thinking and put a timed valve on the main shutoff so that in the event of a blow out I wasn't losing water all day. It's not a great solution, one, and two even the big valves really restrict flow. My new solution is an Arduino that uses a pressure sensor and will kill power, send an alarm, or whatever is appropriate if there is an out-of-range pressure detected. I haven't implemented it yet, but the idea is quite sound. See
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12909. You can buy such things commercially for $100-150, I think.
As for flow rate, it's super easy to calculate for drip tape since they are very consistent at a given pressure. I saved myself quite a bit of money by figuring out that the way I water only requires me to have a 1" main line -- and of course if you are using timers for each zone you can space it out. What was important was to optimize the set up so that the main never restricted flow and all the valves were on the sub-lines, etc. On the one main there are 42-45 x 150-175ft rows. Each sub line has a gating PVC ball valve so the main can be at full pressure to make it up the hill to the last row. For me this arrangement has been absolutely superb. I suppose if could have found 1 1/4 or 1 1/2" poly locally I would have used it but it is REALLY nice to have standardized fittings.
Oh, and pressure tanks. Don't bother. If you are irrigating that much it won't make any difference. Mine did go through a PT until recently, but after about 30 seconds the well pump just runs, which means all you are doing is restricting flow. On the big storage tank, it's worth doing your calculations for GPM and total gallons so you can size it appropriately. In my situation even a 5000 gallon tank isn't enough, but I have a 100 GPM well so I don't need it.
Initially I mis-read the 150' drop from the tank as a 150' gain so I started talking about head loss. I have about a 75' drop and pick up a lot of pressure that way -- it's the same number as loss, so 150' x .433 means you will gain 65 psi, but minus the friction of the pipe... maybe a 55 PSI gain or so net. It's not a big deal if you either use a pressure regulator or gate it with a ball valve.