I got the burlap ideas from a
fungi perfecti. Instead of Chips I did pasteurized straw. The guide was The Mycleium Running Oyster Patch" that comes with the Oyster Order that I found on the internet.
Here is the key paragraph.
"A slight variation to this method is to stuff the inoculated chips into an untreated burlap sack to make a “Mycobag”. Be sure to use untreated food grade burlap for this application (e.g., a
coffee bean sack). Soak the burlap in a .3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 1 hour to help eliminate potential contaminants prior to putting the inoculated chips into it. Once the bag is full, tie it closed. Put the burlap sack in a larger clean plastic bag, tying the plastic bag closed around the neck of the burlap. This will allow the neck of the burlap to act as a wick for air exchange in the bag."
The soap and Lime method was taken from a "Lets Grow Mushrooms"
video by Mark Keith.
I am guessing that one month is long
enough for the spawn to colonize the straw. I will keep the bags in the shade and bring them inside for days that get above 90F.
I am new at growing so everything is an experiment.
Thanks for the help.