Mary is a pure breed Black Welsh Mountain ewe, about three years old.
Feed is pasture,
hay, carb care (for the Se
boost), as well as minerals, salt, &c.
Recently we've been cutting grass from their future pasture and feeding some to them once a day so that the shock when they go to their summer home in a few weeks won't be so great.
Mary is not just pregnant, she's very pregnant.
- On Friday she was listless and ate very little. More interested in pawing at food than consuming it.
- On Saturday, we noticed that the shape of her had changed and the lambs are now in the 'go' position. She was even more listless and standing up after lying down seems to be difficult. I thought because of the shape.
- On Saturday Night, she decided she wanted to stay in the jug but the other sheep kept chasing her out. So we closed the door and she is very happy in there.
- On Sunday, she couldn't go from standing to laying without my help. But still, eat, drink,
poop and
pee as per normal.
- Today (Monday), she won't eat, but she drinks. Her legs are wobbly when standing. Still peeing and pooing.
All through this, she's showing lambing sings of pawing at the ground, udders very tender but I can't get
milk out of them yet. Saggy lamb hole, with clear moisture.
Weather influences. On Thursday and before, the weather was barely 10 degrees C high. On Friday, it got to 25, Saturday, 30, and now the temperature is hovering between 20 and 30 degrees C. This is very hot for our conditions.
On Saturday she drank a gallon of
water. Since then, maybe a litre total.
I gave her a vitamin shot on Sunday. I was going to give her another dose today, but I discovered mine expired two years ago.
Question: Is she okay? At what stage do I call the vet?
Should I be forcing her to walk around so she can keep digesting properly?
I'm concerned. I want to do the best I can for her, but I don't know what is best.