"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
Idle dreamer
Dieter wrote:
Wild boars used to come and dig up our land in regular intervals. We decided to get a large dog which solved this problem and many others all at once. She is a German Sheppard and can produce a really dangerous-sounding loud barking. Visitors turn pale when she comes running to greet them. In reality she has a very soft heart and couldn’t hurt any living creature. She is very good company and more considerate than most humans I know. She just likes to chase after everything moving. If the wild boars decided to turn against her, she would be in trouble. But the boars don’t come looking for trouble; they just look for food and don’t want to be disturbed by any noisy dog, so they bypass our land by about half a mile now. Around here, dogs and cats are indispensible part of any remote homestead.
PS: Best to get a female, they are more homely and won’t look around the neighborhood when they get the urge. We almost never put our dog on the leash, yet she will never move more than 50 meters or so from where we are. You don’t need to get a pure race dog. It’s important to see what the parents are like (or at least the mother). A lot with a dog is inherited. You can only do so much with training. And to train a dog to the point of suppressing all his natural tendencies isn’t really desirable.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Idle dreamer
Bloom where you are planted.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Brenda Groth wrote:
don't really have too much of a problem with the deer around here doing too much damage, a little pruning of the buds on my fruit trees occasionally, but i put wire or plastic tape around the trunks of the young ones to protect them, but mostly from bunnies rather than deer..bunnies are the real plant killers..
the neighbors have more problems with deer eating their plants than we do, but they have much less variety of plants than we do, so maybe that is why??
I plant every wildlife attractive plant I can get my hands on, and also plant the plants I like, one year they dug up some of my overwintered carrots, one year..in 40..that's not too bad..this year they nibbled the buds on some of my fruit trees, also not too bad.
we have deer right up at our bird feeders all winter long and sometimes they sleep in our yard..within site of the house..we give the wildlife a little bit of corn besides the sunflower seeds our birds get, and we don't worry too much about what they are doing outside of the feeder area..they are well fed..and are welcome to a few buds on our trees and shrubs..and we no longer hunt
practice peace
rathersurf wrote:
we have not tried this yet ourselves but someone recommended for us to use a thin netting. supposedly the deer cannot see it but can feel it with their noses. because they cannot see it they do not attempt to jump it. this person gave us some netting which I am going to try, so I will let you know how it works.
Idle dreamer
John Polk wrote:
Agreed. Many local feed stores have bulletin boards (plus the clerks know everybody). Most farms have dogs, and as nature would have it, most end up with the occasional unneeded litter. You want a dog raised on a farm, not in a suburban back yard. You want a working dog, not a lap dog.
Hey cool! They got a blimp! But I have a tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)