Michael Cox wrote:
My main concern is that we might end up over loading it with too much volume in the space of a few hours.
You'd be amazed with the water-holding capacity of a couple of bales. And if you were to create a wood-chip filled space between the bales, as you mentioned in your OP, it would be more than adequate to absorb the pee of 150 semi-drunk revelers. Would they be able to shoot straight? That would be my question.
Lets say you put two bales cut-side-up next to one another, with a 6 inch gap between them filled with wood chips. That's about 12 square feet of surface area, and it would be close to 2 feet deep. If the majority of the pee is "deposited" on the wood chips, and then either soaks into the chips or straw/hay, what little actually soaks through to the ground would be minimal. I'll bet that such a set-up would absorb EASILY 75 gallons or more before it would trickle down to the ground. And if it does, its not like it would be running out from under the bales.
If you wanted to be absolutely certain that you wouldn't get any run off, dig a 8 inch deep trench between the bales, build your hay-bale structure around it, then fill the void between the bales (and the empty trench below) with chips. That would give you 50 more gallons of capacity.
An average hay/straw bale is about 4' long. So two bales,
side by side, would be 8' long. That's
enough for 3 guys to stand next to one another and take a leek. Two bales on either side of the trench -- 4 total. If you wanted to put sides on it, that would be two more bales. Now we are up to 6. If you wanted a back on your "urinal", then add two or four more bales. Add two more side bales as well to get it up to height. Now we are at 12 bales total And a couple generous scoops of wood chips. Bada bing, I'm a frickin' engineering genius.
I'd put a target for them to shoot at on the back wall of the pisser. I can think of several politicians and Hollywood celebs whose pictures would make a convenient target.