Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
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Jay Angler wrote:Unfortunately, a number of the grains I recognize, I know won't grow in my ecosystem.
Wheat used to be grown on my Island, but I've had no luck the last 3 years and I'm still not even sure why. However, our weather's been less stable recently, and I know that the area I've been growing it in has a lot of pressure from both birds and rodents, so if I had to guess, it's multiple factors.
I think it would be great if more people tried some of these crops in more ecosystems in an effort to improve our resilience. Possibly, the crops would get hardier as people gradually moved them to colder climates.
Not anything native, but I grow a lot of kale for them and if I had more areas protected from deer and rabbits, I'd grow more. I'm told that Mulberry is a good chicken plant - both the leaves and the fruit, but I can't grow enough of that either at this time.Carmen Rose wrote:I'm down in Pierce County. Have you found any native plants that can be efficiently grown to feed livestock, chickens specifically?
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