For the past 6 months, i left the community garden to be tended by the community without me, and now that i am back, it has turned into a weed garden... I am living in the tropics (costa rica), so weeds are rather tricky here, seeing that they all have different maturity seasons and times, therefore they are very hard to suppress and control without pulling them out. Nevertheless i would like to try to suppress these weeds with themselves, using them as though they were straw being placed over a Fukuoka field after harvest. My plan of action is to, put some chickens in the garden while the weeds are still up, have them fertilize the area and scratch up the surface a bit (while eating some weeds)... then cut down all the weeds, spread seeds, and cover the seeds up with the cut down weeds... This is a bit different to Fukuoka’s pattern, specially because i am in the tropics and starting off with weeds.. For the moment being i plan to use peanuts as my green living manure (until i can get tropical kudzu, goa beans, hairy indigo, or sunnhemp... so i am pretty worried about what will come from this... and if it will be a grand failure.
any advice would be highly appreciated.
a great big hug to you all