Julie Johnston

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since Aug 25, 2014
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Sometimes permaculture is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. Love hanging out with like-minded and like-hearted permie souls.
Zone 8b ish / 9a ish
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Recent posts by Julie Johnston

Nancy Reading wrote:Taking the liberty of borrowing from Jen's greenhouse thread
a magical garden

There's a story there, Nancy! (Too big for a fairy house. ;-)
7 months ago
Try jackfruit for the consistency. Then perhaps use one of the techniques mentioned in this thread if you want a taste of the sea.

I just read this: Jackfruit "can be eaten raw when it's ripe or cooked when it's unripe. (If intending to use as a meat substitute, it's best to use the fleshy fruit arils of an unripe jackfruit!)"

11 months ago
I'm thinking jackfruit is your answer consistency-wise. Then use one or more of the ideas here for giving it the taste of the sea, if you want that.

I haven't used jackfruit in my vegan cooking yet, so you'll want to do a bit of research about whether you want dried or canned.
11 months ago
Mine is so embarrassing ....

In my tiny kitchen with very little counter space, the pull-out cutting board was a real boon. But inevitably, I'd do all my chopping for salads *before* reaching for the salad bowl, which was way up on the top shelf in the cabinet above the cutting board.

One day, my shoulder revolted, and I suddenly realized that all I had to do was move the salad bowls to the other side of the upper cabinet so they weren't right above the pull-out cutting board. Fancy dinnerware, which I rarely used, switched sides with the salad bowls. Duh! Such a simple thing, but it made a big difference to how comfortable and efficient my kitchen was!
1 year ago
Hi all,

That link is now dead. Here's the new one at Looby's blog:

I'm just settling in to read all the posts on this topic. The first one is excellent!
1 year ago
I layer slices of sweet potato with layers of sliced apples. I put a bit of (vegan) butter on one layer, then an herbal mix (like Mrs. Dash or similar) over the next, and keep stacking layers until I run out or my baking dish is full. Then bake at 350F for about 40 minutes.

It's become a fixture on our Christmas dinner table.
1 year ago
Hi Brody,
I'll put this on the table in case it's helpful.

Philosopher Sam Keen used to advise this: "A man has to ask himself two questions. #1 Where do I want to go? and #2 Who do I want to go there with me? AND he has to answer them in the right order."

The unhappily married men that I come across are those whose wives don't support them along the path they (the men) want to take.

Here's my caveat: Once you meet the woman you'd like to accompany you, make sure — on a regular basis — that the path is still feeding your beloved's soul as well. For example, she might want to take a "side trip" — support her to do so, knowing that you're both still heading in the same direction.

p.s. Even in this kind of marriage, it's still hard sometimes. I've heard that research shows the 80/20 rule applies to marital bliss as well. It doesn't matter how the spouses fight, as long as it's not more than 20% of the time. The rest of the time has to nurture both souls. For that reason, it's important to make sure you find someone whose sense of humour matches yours!
1 year ago

Douglas Alpenstock wrote:?? Pardon me for being obtuse, but I had a look at the post you quoted from and I don't quite understand your point. Can you clarify? Thanks!

I was joking earlier today with my husband that everybody blames Bill Gates for everything, and then here's a comment about Bill Gates selling all the prepper stuff that the poster doesn't want to buy.

I was making a joke. I failed.
2 years ago

S Bengi wrote:
I refuse to give Bill Gates and his rich multinational friends anymore money for prepper stuff, that isn't 80% skill based.

How come poor ;-) Bill Gates gets blamed for everything! Even our clutter!
2 years ago
I hope this workshop went well. Is it now available online / virtually?
2 years ago