The riser was made inside a 350mm diameter steel former (0.7mm mild steel) .. with a standard 200mm ID duct pipe forming the core, I wrapped the inner pipe in a sacrificial layer of corrugated card to facilitate removal after the first firing(s)
The refractory mix was to Lawrence Fines recipe, based on his success and experience .. it is approximately 85% perlite, 5% fire clay (slip), 5% furnace cement, and 5% Waterglass (sodium silicate 40%), mixed until light snowballs could be formed in the hand, thrown and caught intact. This was then tamped/compacted in 4” layers into the form
The final fired result is quite delicate, somewhere around double the density of expanded polystyrene … fairly sure it would float (without its steel jacket)
It’s basically perlite .. compacted about 20% and stabilised, within a mild steel outer jacket
The inner (galvanised) former core was remove after the first (and only) rocketing burn .. I think the soot went the way of the zinc … or perhaps my temperature surge was a brief metal fire
Lawrence is of the opinion that the rough inner surface is a *good* thing, and that an accumulation of fine
ash is also a positive, he has an awesome stove to back it up
Pics attached, I did don’t think I got any of the mix itself, it was dark and raining … damp and dirty perlite forming clusters of a dozen or so grains.