Gravel would do best at holding soil in place and if not laid thick, grass or other ground cover will grow right through it. Everything I do as far as design and layout, I think about, will I be able to do this in 20-30 years? I'm going with an earth bermed house with South facing elevation(correct for here:) with lots of glass and design aspects of the earthship as far as a planter and trombe wall etc. I'll be using
concrete rather than tires though. I've seen water bubble up out of the ground here after repeated heavy rains so no dirt floors or walls for me. Hopefully with the design, we won't have to use much
firewood. We bought this place thinking about
retirement also. My trombe wall will be rock since we have plenty here locally. It's mostly light in color so I'll put some dark concrete stain on it or try to find a more natural substance to darken them.
What really sucks is that this new survey whacked 40 foot off the North line compared to existing markers from a survey in the 80s. That line on my original 8 acres is 1175 feet long. 40x1175=47,000 sq ft. 43,560 sq ft is 1 acre so my 8+- acres became 7+- acres. This guy does the survey work for the county so there will be no going against his survey. Along with the adjoining 7.5 acres, that 40 foot loss adds up to 1.4 acres. I've heard from multiple sources that an old
fence line takes precedence over any survey and there is an old fence which would take it down to a 20 foot loss but I'm not a life long resident here so I probably wouldn't get away with that. The only good path for a road to the build-able spot on the 7.5 is down that back line and that 40 foot loss will make it a lot harder to build a road but it's still doable. I also had to take down a lot more
trees for my fence line than I would have before. Oh well. I've got two years worth of firewood split and stacked now so that's a plus.
I've been amazed at how fast top soil washes away so I'm going to be doing a lot of contour work myself. I've got an endless supply of rocks of all sizes here so I'm going to build a walls, just stacked piles, where the property starts to drop off to try and catch as much as I can.
I'm putting the fence three foot in from the property line for a couple of reasons. One is so that I can walk around the outside for fence repairs and what not. The other is that I didn't want to cut trees that were right on the line. Who really owns them? Some were mostly on the other side in a way that the surveyor was able to blaze them on my side. I will say he did a good job of marking things. He didn't just put corner markers in. He blazed a lot of trees and stuck some wood stakes in between that. I went behind and pounded angle iron and small fence posts in to hold the wood stakes as I know they'll rot out in a year's time or less. Since I'm doing the fence line three foot in, that will allow me to extend that line pretty easily as I can just cut down any tree in the line of sight.
I'm eyeballing this transit that's for sale locally for $100 and comes with the wooden tripod.
A David White 8300 is what I really want because - how damn cool looking can you get?
I don't want some new self leveling thing because electronics aren't going to last like metal and alloys.