Even though I am finding a lot of the first few chapters of
Compost Teas by Eric Fisher to be a lot of review, because of my strong background in science, I appreciate that it takes the time to provide a solid foundation of the underlying chemical, biological, and ecological cycles involved that you might be trying to affect or alter by using
compost teas. I think for the general public that the foundation that Eric lays out in the beginning chapters will be highly useful and informative.
Compost teas and compost might be used to affect the chemical make-up of the soil (its Nitrogen, Phosphorus, or Potassium cycles), alter the biology of the soil, or redirect what is happening with the ecology of an area. It also talks about the
carbon cycle, as well.
The Global Carbon Cycle: Crash Course Chemistry #46
From the video transcript:
"I want to close out this course with a talk about chemistry on a global scale. Certainly larger than your mind - though I'm not sure it's more complicated! It is complicated though. And also terrifying. Let's talk about a little thing called "Global Warming" and the spiking atmospheric CO2 concentrations that are causing it. I'm sure you are aware. But awareness isn't the same thing as understanding, and if I had one final attempt to persuade you that chemistry is important, which I do, I'd tell you about the carbon cycle, which is what I'm about to do. Of all the chemistry that happens on this planet the carbon cycle is the thing that makes Earth "earthy", unique among planets that we know and understand. The early Earth's atmosphere was made up of Ammonia, Methane, Nitrogen, and Carbon Dioxide among some other things, but essentially there was no free oxygen. Many of these gasses, including CO2, are what we call "Greenhouse Gases", because they absorb heat
energy thus increasing the average temperature on earth."
Cows, Carbon and Climate | Joel Salatin | TEDxCharlottesville
From the video description:
"Joel Salatin, an organic farmer located in the Shanendoah Valley in Virginia, loves his grass - and so do his cows. In this talk Salatin outlines the role that this often unsung hero of the plant world plays in
sustainable farming, and the effects that its efficient utilization can have on the world around us."
The Nitrogen Cycle | Chemistry for All | FuseSchool
From the video description:
"Nitrogen makes up 78% of the air, however neither plants nor animals can take nitrogen directly from the air because nitrogen is so unreactive. The nitrogen cycles shows the movement of nitrogen through the environment. Nitrogen is continually cycled through the air, soil and living things. Plants take up nitrogen compounds as nitrates from the soil. Animals then eat these plants, thus getting their nitrogen."
The Phosphorus Cycle
From the video description:
"This video is taught at the high school level. This video discusses the role that rocks, producers, animals, and decomposers play in the phosporus cycle. "
Soil Potassium, Ag Nutrient Management
From the video description:
"Scott Sturgul talks about Soil Potassium"
Elaine Ingham Restoring Soil Biology, Increasing Yields and Reducing Costs
From the video description:
"Join the worlds foremost Soil Biologist Dr. Elaine Ingham as she shows us how we can restore Soil Biology, and in the process Increase Yields and Reduce Costs."
Scratching the Surface: Soil biology in agriculture, March 2017 - Joel Salatin
From the video description:
"Principles and strategies to create symbiosis and synergism, the presentation covers the nuts and bolts of pasture-based, beyond-organic regenerative farming."
The Rhizosphere: an interaction between plant roots and soil biology
From the video description:
"n this episode Octavia takes a look at the Rhizosphere - a term given to the thin region of soil around a
root hair where interactions occur between the root and microorganisms within the soil. Using the energy from light, the plant converts carbon dioxide and
water into sugar and oxygen (6CO2 + 6H2O ⇒ 6O2 + C6H12O6) – this is photosynthesis. "
Life in the Soil
From the video description:
"Take a look at the life beneath the soil in this classic film from Japan"