I hope you dove right in and tried a harvest them.
This was my
I harvested a couple of buckets of them in the month of August with gloves on. The squirrel population here was very light this year so the beaked hazelnuts were abundant.
I immediately husked them. Just find how works best for you. I had a knife handy that I needed occasionally but most of them popped out after I broke the hull with my gloved fingertips. (is the correct term hull or husk?)
I rinsed them off with water to get all the fine cactus like hairs off and cleaned out any debris all the while looking for the ones with holes to discard.
I dried them on a screen a few days.
After that I've been munching on them, cracking open one at a time.
They are timely to process but for the
energy and nutrition I am pretty sure its worth it.
If I manage to properly store them I'll let you know what I did.
As a side note, I tasted the green hulls. They have a strong citrus flavor. I'm trying to find out if the hold any toxins and need a proper type of processing or not. It seems to me they would be lovely flavorings in jams, teas or maybe even pressed for juice. If anyone knows if they are safe or not please let me know~ or how would I have something like that tested for toxic substances?