This is an odd one. Growing in full sun in recently disturbed soil, about 4 feet tall, a bunch of them scattered in a new pasture area I am trying to establish.
Anyone know what this is?
Note the flower, and what I think is a spiky seed ball
“All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
A few of my favorite bits on its medicinal uses in the Wikipedia article:
John Gerard's Herball (1597) states:
[T]he juice of Thornapple, boiled with hog's grease, cureth all inflammations whatsoever, all manner of burnings and scaldings, as well of fire, water, boiling lead, gunpowder, as that which comes by lightning and that in very short time, as myself have found in daily practice, to my great credit and profit.
The ancient inhabitants of what became central and southern California used to ingest the small black seeds of datura to "commune with deities through visions"
So you're all set in the events of boiling lead and lightning!
Wow, that was quick, thanks Greg! Devil’s Weed - great name! Yes, will keep in mind in case of hemorrhoids! Apparently an intoxicant/hallucinogenic as well!
“All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
All that thinking. Doesn't it hurt? What do you think about this tiny ad?
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars