Gaiacraft Workbook : Global Release
As an offering to the Planetary
Permaculture Movement we have created a Workbook of
Permaculture Worksheets. This educational toolkit will help support your learning and teaching practice.
In the spirit of a genuine love for
permaculture education and in gratitude to the World Community, this new learning tool is intended to help heal and empower our relationship with ourselves, the Earth and each other. The Gaiacraft
Permaculture Workbook shares a collection of universal handouts which string together a larger body of teachings from
Bill Mollison,
Rosemary Morrow,
Geoff Lawton, David Holmgren and
Toby Hemenway. It's edited in collaboration by the Gaiacraft team Delvin Solkinson, Lunaya Shekinah, Jacob Aman, Tamara Griffiths and Ali Ma. This is a unique and practical addition to your understanding and practice of permaculture.
The first press is in English and currently we are working on editions in Spanish, Portuguese and Hebrew. We would love to have translations into other languages as well.
Given freely, we encourage copying of these worksheets for your students and their copying them for their students. We recommend high quality color reproduction so that they can be successfully passed through many printings. In this way we see the worksheets travelling the world freely to support and inspire the evolution of the permaculture paradigm. The workbook is also available as a professionally bound edition direct from our print on demand printer. Purchasing a copy is a way to support Gaiacraft and the development of many more permaculture learning and teaching tools.
It's an honour to share this tool with you as a companion to your journey with permaculture.
Free Download Link :
Hardcopy Purchase Link :